Ask Lasta with PhD/Nutritionist

Discover answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and recommendations on improving your health and getting the most out of our app from our experts. Ask Lasta empowers you with the knowledge you need to navigate all aspects of your weight loss journey – from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mental health to fasting, diet, and eating disorders.
Ask Lasta26 April 2024
How To Stop Emotional Eating

How To Stop Emotional Eating

Comfort eating is more common than you may realize. People struggle with controlling emotional eating especially when they’re under a…

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Ask Lasta25 April 2024
Why Does My Stomach Bloat After Eating?

Why Does My Stomach Bloat After Eating?

You finish eating and then suddenly you feel your stomach bloat or swell afterward, you feel gassy, and have that…

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Ask Lasta25 April 2024
How Long To Do Intermittent Fasting Before Seeing Results

How Long To Do Intermittent Fasting Before Seeing Results

With intermittent fasting being so popular, many people are wondering how long to do intermittent fasting before seeing results. Unfortunately,…

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Ask Lasta21 April 2024
Why Do I Hate My Body?

Why Do I Hate My Body?

Accepting your body is difficult in today’s age. This is mainly because we have been set some beauty standards that…

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Ask Lasta10 April 2024
Which Intermittent Fasting is Best for Me?

Which Intermittent Fasting is Best for Me?

It seems that many of you are asking “Which intermittent fasting is best for weight loss?” and “Which intermittent fasting…

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Ask Lasta07 April 2024
Why Do I Overeat?

Why Do I Overeat?

Overeating is usually triggered by physiological and emotional causes. If your eating behaviours are caused by a physiological factor, you…

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Ask Lasta06 April 2024
Why Can’t I Lose Weight No Matter What I Do?

Why Can’t I Lose Weight No Matter What I Do?

Losing weight is a process. Because of this, many people get frustrated when seeing that they can’t lose weight with…

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Ask Lasta03 April 2024
Why Does Eating Make Me Tired?

Why Does Eating Make Me Tired?

Sometimes after eating, we feel tired or have difficulty concentrating, which you would think is not right because food is…

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Ask Lasta31 March 2024
Dynamic Ways to Keep Your Weight Loss Motivation Burning Bright

Dynamic Ways to Keep Your Weight Loss Motivation Burning Bright

How to Find Lasting Motivation for Weight Loss – First Words  Hey there, fellow wellness explorer! If you've ever found…

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Ask Lasta23 March 2024
Why Do I Feel Hungry After Eating?

Why Do I Feel Hungry After Eating?

Technically we should eat when we are hungry, which is how our body tells us that we are lacking energy…

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Ask Lasta23 March 2024
How To Stop Eating Junk Food?

How To Stop Eating Junk Food?

Junk food is tempting, that's the truth, it has the perfect combination of fat, salt, and sugar to hook our…

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Ask Lasta22 March 2024
Why Do I Get Sleepy After Eating?

Why Do I Get Sleepy After Eating?

Do you feel tired or sleepy after eating? Many times after eating, postprandial drowsiness, or a "food coma", as it…

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Ask Lasta12 March 2024
What Is Intuitive Eating?

What Is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating, oftentimes called mindful eating, means having a positive and healthy relationship with food, without feeling fearful or anxious…

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Ask Lasta11 March 2024
How To Break Intermittent Fasting?

How To Break Intermittent Fasting?

Many of you are wondering how to break intermittent fasting and how to break my fast. The meal you eat…

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Ask Lasta04 March 2024
How Are Eating Disorders Caused?

How Are Eating Disorders Caused?

The causes of eating disorders are complex and varied. They are mostly related to poor self-image, a desire for thinness,…

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