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Let’s Start: Is Noom Better than MyFitnessPal?

In the red corner is MyFitnessPal, the veteran calorie counter that’s been around since 2005; no-frills and strictly business regarding food logging. And in the blue corner, there’s the new kid on the block, Noom, who landed in 2016 with an arsenal of psychology tools to attack the mental aspects of weight loss. They’re two of the heaviest hitters in the diet app game, but let’s get ready to rumble and see who ultimately comes out on top!

Let’s find out who’s got the best formula for fabulous when MyFitnessPal and Noom duke it out for diet app domination. Will it be a technical knockout or a split decision? Read on to score the about and judge which app packs the ultimate one-two punch to help you defeat the scales!

All Aboard the Noom Meal Plan: Your Customized Eating Strategy

What sets Noom apart? It’s their holistic approach, blending psychological insights with nutritional expertise. This means you get a list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ and a deeper understanding of your eating habits. 

Plus, with an ever-evolving menu based on your feedback and progress, boredom is off the table. Whether you’re a vegan, meat lover, or somewhere in between, Noom’s got you covered. 

MyFitnessPal vs Noom

Noom’s Food Classification System

Noom’s system is about entrusting you with knowledge, not restricting you. It’s not just about what you eat but how you think about what you eat.

  • Noom Green Foods: Packing Your Diet With Approved Ones

Think of these as your ‘go’ foods! Packed with nutrients and low in calories, these are your diet superheroes. From leafy greens to hearty whole grains, filling your plate with these approved options means fueling your body with the best.

  • Noom Yellow Foods: Proceed With Caution on These Goods

These are your ‘slow down’ foods. Nutritious but slightly higher in calories, they include lean proteins and dairy. They’re great in moderation, offering a balance between indulgence and nutrition.

  • Stopping Noom Red Foods: Limiting the Least Healthy Options

Lastly, the ‘stop and think’ foods. High in calories and low in nutrients, these are treats to be enjoyed sparingly. Think processed snacks and sugary desserts. Noom doesn’t ban them but encourages mindful indulgence.

Sample Noom Recipes to Stay Satisfied

With Noom, you’ll discover that healthy eating is never dull. Each recipe is carefully designed to be nutrient-dense, portion-controlled, and categorically aligned with Noom’s color system, making healthy choices simple and delicious.

Also, read – What Can You Eat While & After Fasting?

These recipes aren’t just about counting calories but about enriching your diet with different ingredients. Whether craving something sweet, savory, or a bit of both, Noom’s diverse range assures there’s always something new to tantalize your taste buds.

Pros and Cons of Noom: Points to Consider Before Signing Up

Approach– Holistic focus on lifestyle changes- Emphasizes psychology behind eating– May not suit those looking for quick fixes
Customization– Personalized meal and workout plans– Limited options for certain dietary restrictions
Support– Access to health coaches- Community support– Coaching may not be as personalized as one-on-one sessions
Technology– User-friendly app- Integration with other health apps– Requires consistent app usage for maximum benefit
Cost– Free trial available– Monthly subscription can be expensive
Results– Long-term lifestyle change- Focus on sustainable weight loss– Results may vary significantly among individuals
Education– Offers educational content about nutrition and exercise– Some information may be too basic for advanced users
Accessibility– Available on multiple devices– Internet access is required

Noom Results: Different Marks of Success

Noom’s success is multifaceted. Unlike traditional diet plans, it focuses on the psychological aspects of eating and exercise.

For many, it’s about gaining insights into their eating habits, understanding the triggers for unhealthy behaviors, and learning to make healthier choices. Users often report improved self-awareness and a more positive relationship with food.

App’s success also lies in its personalized plans. The app’s interactive elements, like food logging and step tracking, keep users engaged and accountable.

Breaking Down Noom Free vs Paid – To Pay or Not to Pay

  • Noom Free

You get basic tracking abilities for your meals and exercise, which is fantastic for those just dipping their toes into health tracking. However, it’s somewhat limited in scope. 

  • Noom Paid

This is where Noom really shines. The paid version is a plunge into personalized health coaching. You’ll attain access to customized meal plans, in-depth psychological training modules, and, most importantly, one-on-one coaching. This customized guidance is invaluable for addressing specific goals or challenges. 

When It Makes Sense to Upgrade Your Noom Subscription?

If you’re serious about making lasting changes and want more than just a tracking tool, the paid version of Noom is worth considering. The combination of technology, psychology, and personal coaching offers a robust program for those committed to a deeper transformation.

Noom Negative Reviews: Why Some Users Quit This App?

One of the top reasons users quit Noom is the cost. While it offers a range of features, its subscription price is higher than other health apps. 

Noom also requires a fair amount of daily engagement. Users are expected to log meals, read articles, and complete tasks. 

Like any app, Noom isn’t immune to technical issues. Users have reported glitches with food logging or syncing steps, which can be frustrating and might detract from the overall experience.

Also, read – Jimmy Kimmel Weight Loss Transformation: Late-Night Host Turns His Health Around

Skipping a Stop: How to Cancel Noom Paid Subscription?

First, open your Noom app. Head to the ‘Settings’ section. Here, you’ll find various options to manage your account details. Look for the option that says ‘Manage Subscription’ or something similar. 

Before you cancel, you might be prompted to chat with your Noom coach. It’s an excellent opportunity to discuss your reasons for leaving and get last-minute advice or support.

Once you’ve terminated the process, you should obtain a confirmation email. Keep this for your records to ensure no surprises in your next billing cycle.

Apps Like Noom: Alternatives on the Scale

1. SparkPeople

This app combines fitness tracking, meal planning, and motivational resources. Its standout feature is a vast library of articles and videos on health and nutrition, making it a mini wellness encyclopedia at your fingertips.

2. MyNetDiary

MyNetDiary offers robust tracking tools with an intuitive interface. It sets itself apart with detailed dietary analysis and feedback, helping users understand what they eat and how it affects their health goals.

3. Lifesum

It’s unique for its personalized diet plans, including Keto, Mediterranean, and more, catering to various dietary preferences and goals.

MyFitnessPal Keto: Simplified Fits Into Low-Carb Living

This popular fitness app has become a go-to for many keto enthusiasts, and for good reason. MyFitnessPal is incredibly versatile and user-friendly, making it a fantastic tool for those following a ketogenic diet.

  • Carb tracking 

One of the biggest challenges of keto is keeping those carbs in check. MyFitnessPal offers an extensive food database, allowing you to log every meal and snack easily. The app breaks down the macros for you, showing exactly how many carbs, proteins, and fats you consume. This feature is a lifesaver for maintaining the strict carb limits of a keto diet.

Unpacking the MyFitnessPal Scanner Tool – Nutrition Tracking Easier

This innovative feature transforms the way you track your meals. Gone are the days of manually entering every ingredient or searching food databases. 

All you need to do is open the MyFitnessPal app, head to the food diary, and tap the barcode scanner icon. Point your phone’s camera at the barcode of any packaged food, and voilà! The app instantly recognizes the product and logs all its nutritional information into your diary.

It saves you precious time and takes the guesswork out of calorie counting. 

MyFitnessPal Pros and Cons: What Works and What Doesn’t?

User Interface– User-friendly and intuitive design- Easy food logging– Ads in the free version can be intrusive
Food Database– Extensive database with a wide variety of foods– Some entries may be inaccurate or outdated
Tracking Features– Comprehensive tracking of calories, nutrients, and activities– Can be time-consuming to log everything accurately
Community Support– Large online community for motivation and support– Community advice may not always be professional or accurate
Integration– Syncs with various fitness devices and apps– Some integrations may require premium membership
Cost– Free version available– Premium features require a subscription
Fitness Goals– Customizable goals based on personal data– Setting unrealistic goals can lead to negative experiences
Educational Content– Articles and tips on nutrition and fitness– Limited depth in educational content
Accessibility– Available on multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Web)– Requires consistent internet access

MyFitnessPal Free vs Premium? Easy Comparing

What to Expect from MyFitnessPal Free Trial Experience?

  • Right off the bat, you’ll appreciate the vast food database. The barcode scanner is a real game-changer, making it super easy to add packaged foods.
  • The trial allows you to set personalized goals. MyFitnessPal sewers your daily calorie and nutrient needs to your objectives.
  • You’ll love how it syncs with various fitness apps and devices. This means your workouts and daily steps get automatically incorporated into your fitness diary.

MyFitnessPal Subscription Cost & Value Behind Pricing

Premium costs $19.99 monthly or $79.99 yearly. Prices vary based on your country, however, so you can expect lower fees above those of the United States. 

You’ll enjoy an ad-free interface, detailed nutritional insights, and customized meal planning. It eliminates ads, offers comprehensive nutritional tracking, and provides personalized diet insights – think of it as your pocket-sized nutrition expert.

Also, read – Choose Your One of the 12 Best Meal Planning App That Fits Your Lifestyle

So, Is MyFitnessPal Premium Worth It?

This upgraded version offers an ad-free experience. But the real value lies in its deep customization options and detailed nutritional insights. With Premium, you can set specific macronutrient goals (like low-carb or high-protein diets). The food diary experience is enriched with a breakdown of your daily nutrient intake.

Additionally, Premium provides priority customer support, which can be helpful if you encounter any issues or have specific questions about your fitness.

Community Check-In: Real User’s MyFitnessPal Reviews 

MyFitnessPal Before and After Showcase

Users often talk about weight loss, improved habits, better nutritional understanding, and increased physical activity. It’s about fundamental, sustainable lifestyle changes.

The community aspect is another highlight. Reading about others’ challenges and triumphs creates a sense of belonging and encouragement. 

MyFitnessPal Results: How Is It Effective?

MyFitnessPal’s effectiveness lies in its detailed tracking, extensive food database, customization options, and supportive community. 

Users can log everything from meals to workouts, gaining invaluable insight into their daily habits. This level of detail helps identify improvement areas and celebrate successes, big or small. Plus, with the barcode scanner, logging food is as simple as a quick scan.

Goodbye for Now: How to Delete MyFitnessPal Account?

Cancel MyFitnessPal Easy Instruction 

First, hop onto the MyFitnessPal app or website. If you’re using the app, simply tap ‘More’ and head over to ‘My Subscription.’ 

On the website, just click on ‘My Home,’ then ‘Settings,’ and finally ‘Cancel Subscription.’ Remember, if you subscribed through a third party (like Apple or Google Play), you’ll need to cancel through them instead. 

Don’t forget to double-check that your subscription is canceled to avoid any sneaky future charges.

Apps Like MyFitnessPal: Exploring The Fitness Frontier

1. Lose It!

This app shines in its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It offers comprehensive food tracking with a vast food database like MyFitnessPal. Its unique feature is the ‘Snap It’ option, where users can take photos of their meals for easy logging.

2. FatSecret

FatSecret provides a platform for sharing and support along with standard tracking features. It stands out with its detailed nutritional information and a monthly summary view, giving users a broader perspective on their progress.

3. Cronometer

Cronometer is for those who are meticulous about their diet. It tracks vitamins & minerals in spare to macros, offering a more holistic view of nutrition. This is especially useful for people with specific dietary goals or health conditions.

Finally: A Common Difference Between Noom and MyFitnessPal

CategoryNoomMyFitnessPalWinnerAdditional Notes
1. Food DatabaseLarge database with 3.7 million options; some inaccuracies.Enormous, unverified database; more international options.MyFitnessPalMyFitnessPal offers greater variety.
2. Tracking CapabilitiesTracks various health metrics.Broader tracking including macronutrients and body measurements.MyFitnessPalMyFitnessPal provides more comprehensive tracking options.
3. Calorie RecommendationsFlexible calorie range.Fixed calorie targets, customizable nutritional targets.NoomNoom’s flexibility is more user-friendly.
4. Level of CustomizationLimited customization, with guidance on adjustments.Similar to Noom but lacks educational guidance.NoomNoom’s educational aspect is beneficial.
5. Educational OpportunitiesFocuses on education, mindset, and behavior.Basic nutritional education.NoomNoom excels in providing comprehensive education.
6. CoachingAccess to a coach via Live Chat.No in-house coaching; allows sharing logs with external coaches.NoomNoom’s built-in coaching is a significant advantage.
7. Recipe DatabaseGood variety of recipes.Extensive recipe discovery feature.TieBoth platforms offer robust recipe options.
8. Exercise CaloriesEstimates and adds 50% to daily range.Tracks and provides flexibility in managing exercise calories.MyFitnessPalMyFitnessPal offers more control over exercise calories.
9. PriceMore expensive, various subscription plans.Free basic version; more affordable premium version.MyFitnessPalMyFitnessPal is more affordable and accessible.
10. ReviewsHigh ratings but some negatives on database accuracy.Highly rated; complaints about ad intrusiveness.TieBoth have high ratings with different issues.
Barbara Kovalenko

My name is Barbara Kovalenko. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition from Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine and a Master's degree from Boston University in the United States. Over the past few years, I have gained valuable experience as a nutritionist and have since decided to share my knowledge and expertise with a wider audience. Currently, I am working as a nutritional consultant with the Lasta app.