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Get Moving! Top Fitness Apps to Inspire Beginner Exercisers

Getting active and starting a fitness routine can feel daunting, especially if you’ve never exercised consistently…

This roundup review covers the 7 best exercise apps for beginners that just starting their healthy lifestyle journey. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, carrying extra weight, or intimidated by intense workouts, these apps meet you where you are now with customized programs and positively encouraging communities.

From conquering anxiety around the gym to moving gently after illness, these beginner fitness apps represent your cheeriest, most compassionate trainer to inspire you every step of the way. They’ll keep your body energized and motivated as you form life-long exercise habits at your own pace!

Get Up & Glow with Your Best One Beginner Workout App

Lasta – Your New Fitness Motivator

Feeling uninspired to get active? It happens to everyone, but Lasta is here to change that. Lasta goes beyond a standard workout app to become your cheerleader, supporting you each step and rep along the way.

After a quick and easy app setup, Lasta starts assessing your goals, activity levels, and health background to customize your fitness plan. But what makes Lasta stand out is the motivation. 

Lasta celebrates your progress, recommends healthy tips, and gives you mantras like “You’ve got this!” when your energy starts flagging. It feels like your peppiest friend is by your side!

Workout Apps for Beginners

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Why It’s Great for Beginners – Lasta App Review shows

User-Friendly Design

Right off the bat, Lasta impresses with its intuitive design. It’s like having a friendly fitness coach right in your pocket. The interface is so straightforward that even those new to smartphones will find it a breeze to navigate.

For Beginners, By Experts

What makes Lasta stand out is its focus on beginners. The workouts are crafted to ensure that anyone can start without feeling overwhelmed, regardless of their fitness level. It’s the perfect blend of challenge and encouragement.

A Community That Cares

Joining Lasta isn’t just about exercising; it’s about becoming part of a community. This app brings together fitness newbies and veterans in a supportive online space where everyone cheers for each other. Imagine a fitness family, always there to lift you!

Features That Fascinate

Lasta is packed with features that cater to beginners. It’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket, from detailed video guides to customizable workout plans. The progress tracker is a gem, providing real-time feedback that’s both informative and motivating.

Beyond Workouts

Lasta doesn’t stop at just exercise routines. It offers nutritional advice, mindfulness exercises, and tips on developing a holistic approach to health. This all-rounded approach ensures your journey is not just about physical fitness but overall well-being.

Also, read – Power Up with a Personal Training App Review!

Planet Fitness Workout App: Bringing the Gym Home

Who needs a crowded gym when you’ve got Planet Fitness in your hand? Planet Fitness’s new workout app, “Planet Fitness To Go,” packs your neighborhood gym’s energy and community vibe straight into your living room. Get ready to feel the burn and beat your best with this app!

After a quick login linking to your Planet Fitness profile, their famous “Lunk Alarm” sounds, signaling it’s time to get moving. The app perfectly captures what makes Planet Fitness gyms so welcoming, especially for beginners. Animated coaches guide you through workouts with cheerleading encouragement. 

Workout Apps for Beginners

Beginner-Friendly Aspects

This app is your perfect ally if you’re new to the fitness world. It demystifies exercise routines with beginner-friendly workouts that are easy to follow yet effective. The step-by-step guidance ensures you’re doing each exercise correctly, minimizing the risk of injury.

Endless Variety, Zero Intimidation

One of the app’s highlights is its vast workouts catering to all levels. Whether it’s cardio, strength training, or yoga, there’s something for everyone. The beginner workouts are particularly noteworthy, offering a gentle introduction to fitness without any intimidation.

Interactive and Engaging

The app isn’t just a collection of workout videos; it’s an interactive experience. Features like virtual coaching, personalized workout plans, and progress tracking make your fitness journey engaging and rewarding.

Get Fit App: Small Steps to Big Changes

Getting into shape can feel overwhelming. But the new Get Fit app knows that lasting change starts with tiny steps. Get Fit helps you ease into new habits with gentle encouragement each day. Before you know it, those small choices snowball into incredible transformation!

The app begins by asking about your fitness level, interests, and goals. Then, it builds a custom plan tackling one habit at a time. Forgot your morning walk? No shaming here – Get Fit sends a friendly nudge to get back on track.

As the days pass, you’ll notice those baby steps adding up. Suddenly, you’ve got energy to spare! 

Workout Apps for Beginners

Beginner Advantages

Simplicity at Its Best

The Get Fit App shines with its simplicity. Its user-friendly interface invites you to enter the fitness world without feeling overwhelmed. This is a workout app for beginners who’ve always found fitness apps intimidating.

Personalized Progression

What sets Get Fit apart is its commitment to personal growth. The app doesn’t just throw random exercises at you; it learns from your pace and preferences, gradually introducing more challenging routines as you progress.

Track Your Triumphs

The joy of glimpsing your progress is a powerful motivator, and Get Fit’s tracking tools make it easy. Whether it’s the number of workouts completed, calories burned, or improvements in endurance, every small victory is celebrated, keeping you inspired and on track.

Community Spirit

No one should walk their fitness journey alone, and with Get Fit, you won’t have to. The app connects you with a community of beginners, creating a supportive environment where experiences, challenges, and successes are shared.

GymFit App: Your Pocket Personal Trainer

Working out solo can get lonely. What you need is a personal trainer by your side – one that fits conveniently right in your pocket! 

GymFit starts by getting to know your fitness personality via fun Q&As. Do you crave structure or variety when exercising? What tunes get you pumped to push through the pain? Once GymFit cracks your code, it designs a custom program so you can crush goals in your style.

When you arrive for a workout, GymFit is ready to rally. Animated coaches demonstrate each move, count your reps, and monitor form like an IRL trainer. In-ear cheers will make you feel like the star athlete in your sports flick! And when your determination starts flagging, GymFit knows how to lift your spirits.

Workout Apps for Beginners

Also, read – Is Pilates Good for Weight Loss? Separating Fact from Fiction

Why Beginners Love It

Customized Fitness Plans

What makes GymFit truly stand out is its personalized home workouts plans. It’s like having a personal trainer crafting routines specifically for you, considering your fitness level, goals, and preferences. This customization ensures you get the most out of every workout.

Diverse Workout Library

Variety is the spice of life, and GymFit embraces this with a vast library of workouts. From strength training to yoga, there’s something for everyone. Beginners will especially appreciate the ‘Intro to Fitness’ series, designed to build a solid foundation in a fun, accessible way.

Real-Time Guidance

GymFit goes beyond just displaying exercises. It provides real-time guidance, correcting your form and pacing like a personal trainer would. This feature is invaluable for beginners, ensuring exercises are performed safely and effectively.

Nutrition and Wellness Tips

GymFit understands that fitness is holistic. The app offers nutrition advice and wellness tips, ensuring your journey encompasses all aspects of health. It’s not just about workouts; it’s about nurturing a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Fit App Review: Streamlined Fitness for Everyone

Who has time for complicated workout routines these days? Something’s gotta give between work, family, and juggling 100 tasks at once. The brand new Fit App is perfect for carving out “me time” while still getting fit fast. This app takes all the guesswork out of working out for busy bees everywhere.

The setup is simple – just tap a few buttons specifying your fitness level, problem areas, and schedule availability. With that info, Fit App builds fully customized routines and meal plans more tailored to your needs. 

The minimalist interface lets you log workouts and meals in just seconds a day. Tracking progress happens in the background, with Fit App making any needed tweaks automatically. Before you know it, you’ll be rocking that swimsuit with a lean, mean beach bod!

Workout Apps for Beginners

Beginner Appeal

Ease of Use

Fit App stands out with its remarkably user-friendly interface. For those new to fitness apps or technology in general, Fit App offers a refreshingly simple and straightforward experience. This ease of use is a marked win for beginners who might otherwise be overwhelmed by more complex apps.

Beginner-Focused Workouts

One of Fit App’s strongest suits is its beginner-friendly workout for beginners at home female catalog. The exercises are designed to ease newcomers into fitness routines without overburdening or intimidating them. Each workout is like a gentle nudge towards better health, perfect for those just starting their fitness journey.

Guidance and Support

What really sets Fit App apart is the guidance it offers. Imagine having a personal coach who walks you through each exercise with clear, easy-to-understand instructions. This level of support is invaluable for beginners, ensuring they perform each move safely and effectively.

Just Fit App: Fitness Made Fun and Simple

Working out can feel like a chore. But what if getting healthy could actually be…fun?! That’s the idea behind the delightfully simple yet effective Just Fit App. Just Fit gamifies fitness, so you almost forget you’re breaking a sweat!

The Just Fit team clearly has experience making tedious tasks entertaining. Right after downloading, you choose an animated avatar to represent you. Your character earns celebratory effects like confetti explosions and infectious dance moves as you log workouts. Top daily leaderboards and your inner competitor kicks in!

But Just Fit keeps fitness accessible behind the playfulness. There is no need for equipment or gym memberships with these bodyweight-based programs. The app adjusts goals and suggestions effortlessly based on your feedback. Finally – a personalized plan that evolves with your needs!

Workout Apps for Beginners

Why It’s Perfect for Newbies – Just Fit Home Workout Reviews Help

Every aspect of Just Fit is crafted with beginners in mind. The exercises start at a basic level, gradually allowing new users to build their strength and confidence. The clear instructions and demo videos ensure everyone can follow easily.

Workouts that Spark Joy

Just Fit takes the monotony out of exercise. The workouts are not just effective but infused with fun elements to keep you engaged and entertained. Whether it’s upbeat music, lively animations, or interactive challenges, every session feels like a mini celebration of your health.

Interactive and Engaging

Just Fit isn’t just about following routines; it’s about interactive and engaging fitness experiences. The app includes features like virtual challenges, milestone rewards, and social sharing options, making fitness a fun and inclusive activity.

More Than Just Workouts

Understanding the holistic nature of fitness, Just Fit offers more than just exercise routines. You’ll find tips on healthy eating, mental wellness, and lifestyle habits that complement your physical activities, creating a well-rounded approach to health.

Also, read – Water Drinking Challenge – H2O, Here We Go!

FitOn App: Celebrity Workouts at Your Fingertips

Imagine if your favorite celebrities invited you along to their exclusive workouts. Well, now they have! The new FitOn App lets you train beside the rich and famous with personalized video sessions led by celeb trainers and A-listers.

FitOn makes celebrity-style coaching affordable and accessible, no matter your budget or zip code. Choose from hundreds of trainers who craft specialized programs adapted to your changing needs. And sessions feel ultra-VIP thanks to cinematic production value with Multiple camera angles and booming soundtracks.

Workout Apps for Beginners

Beginner Benefits 

Train with the Stars

The highlight of FitOn is its impressive roster of celebrity trainers and fitness icons. Imagine squats with a renowned fitness guru or yoga with a celebrity instructor, all from the comfort of your home. This app makes working out with the stars a part of your daily routine.

Real-Time Motivation

Exercising with FitOn is like having a celebrity coach cheering you on in real time. The motivational aspect of the app is unparalleled, making you feel like a VIP every time you work out.

Accessible Anywhere, Anytime

No need for a gym membership or fancy equipment. With FitOn, you can access top-tier workouts anytime, anywhere. Whether at home, in the park, or on a work trip, your celebrity-led fitness classes are just a click away.

30 Minute Workout for Beginners: Get Your Back Easy with These Apps!

So, we crushed these 7 good workout apps for beginners down to their best 30-minute session options to give your routine a glow-up fast!

Lasta – For Quick Full Body Tones

Their “Daily Dozen” class packs a pilates/yoga/dance fusion to target all your major groups in just half an hour. Talk about a lasta-ing burn!

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Planet Fitness – Pick Up the Pace

Rock a judgment-free 30-minute treadmill or elliptical training to keep that heart pumping and calories crushing!

Get Fit App – Make Every Minute Count

With 35 categories of 30-minute workouts, you can always find one to match your mood and fitness level. Consider me your accountability buddy!

Gymfit App – Strength & Cardio Combo

We recommend their 30-minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) circuits to build total-body strength paired with heart-healthy HIIT efficiently.

Fit App – Facilitate With Programs

Their 30-minute beginner programs provide structured progression over several weeks. Sticking with one makes getting fit a piece of cake!

Just FIT App – Zero Fluff Sweat Sessions

Quick core exercises, Tabata training, and stretch flow to give your body what it needs in 30 minutes flat.

FitOn App – Make It a Party!

Grab a friend, blast some tunes, and crush beginner cardio kickboxing classes, dumbbell exercises, or barre in under 30 minutes. Werk it!

These 7 Best Workout Apps for Beginners at Home Will Pump Up!

Who needs a gym membership when you’ve got these badass workout apps in your back pocket? We rounded up the best for turning your living room into a judgment-free zone wink. Get your sweat on best beginner workout apps in the comfort of your home!

Lasta – For Yoga Party Vibes

Bust out the chill and move your mental energy to yoga; Pilates beats right from your rug! Their global mindful cardio will have you shimmying stress away and tightening all over.

Planet Fitness – Equipment-Free Toning

Grab some household items for resistance with their fab bodyweight workouts. Water bottles, towels, and chairs = your new fave gym gear for natural results without the crowds!

Get Fit App – Make Every Rep Count

Hundreds of equipment-free abs, legs, and glutes videos so you can target trouble areas on YOUR schedule. It’s like having a personal cheerleader motivating those last few reps!

Gymfit App – Hotel Room Ready

Trade in boring old push-ups for their creative core and bodyweight circuits designed for small spaces. Bonus – puts your hotel gym to shame!

Fit App – Back to Basics Magic

Sometimes, less is more! Tone every inch with basic moves like squats, planks, and lunges performed to perfection.

Just FIT App – Maximize Minimalism

With zero equipment and minimal instructions, you can focus on progressive overload through reps, time under tension, and a little more challenging each round.

FitOn App – Double the Motivation

Crush beginner-friendly circuits, HIIT, barre, and yoga videos with your best friend in the living room. Work hard, glow hard from the comfort of your home!

What is the Best Workout App for Overweight Beginners?

After testing the top contenders, we can say without hesitation:

Lasta is №1 pick.

  • It stands out by holding your hand as you form new exercise habits. 
  • It starts by gently assessing your current activity levels, health background, problem areas, and goals. 
  • Then, it customizes a step-by-step plan tackling one small change at a time. We’re talking a 10-minute walk or swapping soda for fruit-infused water.

These tiny, non-intimidating goals make consistency way more likely for beginners. You start racking up little wins immediately instead of getting discouraged. Lasta keeps things fresh with varied workouts like dance cardio one day and restorative yoga the next. The lighthearted community of absolute beginners cheers you on along the way.

Before you know it, those baby steps snowball into huge progress you can see and feel! The you’vend effect from small strides pays off big time, thanks to Lasta.

Final Takeaways for Getting Started Workout Routine

And there you have seven beginner-friendly fitness apps to help beginners start strong and stay motivated. Whether you’re looking for guided programs, personalized plans, or the ability to mix and match short workouts, these apps have covered you.

So don’t be afraid to ask for a spotter – let these apps support your fitness journey. With the knowledge, confidence, and self-belief they build within you, you’ll be ready to take the gym by storm in no time. And soon enough, you may even be the one offering the spot!

Lilly Jackson

Lilly Jackson is the Fitness coach & Rehabilitator. She is helping women everywhere unlock their full potential in health and fitness! With a Masters's in Medicine and a passion for writing, her calling is to share knowledge with the world.