True wellness is not possible without daily physical activity. 

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So we’re ready to cover that for you with our new home workouts library!

Our fitness team has designed a whole library of little-to-no equipment workouts, beginner-friendly yet challenging enough to make you sweat and burn extra calories. 

What’s in there?

There are several kinds of practices based on classic yoga, pilates, and functional training techniques, but with the personal touch of experienced trainers. 

Wall pilates

Wall pilates workouts combine power workouts for the core, back, arms, and legs with a great focus on proper breathing and form. This style is perfect to tone up your muscles, get leaner, and flatten your belly. It’s technique and breathing that makes you tone up as you engage your deep muscles during the workout. Not the expensive equipment. All you need for stunning results is your phone, matt, and a wall.

Chair yoga

If you have only a 5-minute break at work, feel stiff, overwhelmed, and need to refresh, don’t open TikTok, do some chair yoga. With short and easy yoga workouts you can do at your desk, you’ll feel better instantly, and warm up your back muscles and joints. Chair yoga is the best way to add some movement to a sedentary lifestyle seamlessly. So if you don’t know where to start – start with chair yoga. 

Bed pilates

You might think bed pilates must be the easiest style just to relax before bed, but don’t let the location trick you. Cozy, yet pretty intense bed pilates workouts focus mostly on your abs and glutes. So if you want the perfect hourglass shape and struggle with motivation, launch a bed pilates exercise and follow it right in your bed. You can even have your favorite series playing along.

Wall yoga

This is the most «feel good» style of Lasta workout collection. Yet, not the easiest one. Wall yoga is a fun and flattering way to challenge your body to develop balance and flexibility. It’s all about bonding with your body, exploring its capacities, and learning to trust your gut. These workouts are focused on healthy and even muscle engagement, tension release, and pain relief. 

Chair pilates

One more option for getting to move for your little break. You may ask what’s the difference between chair yoga and chair pilates and here you go: chair pilates is more physically intense. While chair yoga helps your mind and body to reboot, and blow stress and muscle tension away, chair pilates is a way to build some muscle. Get stronger day by day with short chair pilates workouts!

Functional home workouts

If you expect this style to be something traditional – you’re absolutely right! Functional home workouts combine classic strength training with bodyweight only and unique offscreen variations. So, you will get accustomed to the technique and keep up with the pace easily. However, sometimes, we still will surprise you. Like, have you ever tried standing crunches? No? Then, it’s high time to! 

And many more styles and challenges coming soon!

For all these workouts we kept an agenda to gather the most effective exercises with the least equipment required and to make your exercise experience seamless and fun. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

How can you get the app?

You still don’t have Lasta app? That’s a shame! Go to your Play Market or App Store and download Lasta via the link below. 

Stay healthy!

We are an Inspired team of writers who are passionate about writing on the topic of a healthy approach to Nutrition and Wellness. We are guided in our writing by our knowledge and experience as well as open official medical and health sources.