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Introduction: What I Need To Drink for the Best Intermittent Fasting Journey?

Hello there, are you having the same problems as I am? Are you looking for patterns to help you get the most out of your intermittent fasting journey? We understand that finding optimal morning drinks while intermittent fasting can be challenging at times, so it may be beneficial for some of us to discuss what types of liquids or drinks we should consume during our fasts. 

It’s not fun to scroll through endless lists of dos and don’ts while fasting, but fortunately, finding the answer to this question is relatively simple. 

So, if water alone isn’t cutting it anymore and you’re looking for something delicious or to feel refreshed after a long fast, keep reading!

What Can I Drink in the Morning While Intermittent Fasting

What Kinds of Drinks Are Allowed During Intermittent Fasting?

When we eat, our bodies rely on the energy provided by the food. Our body releases insulin to process this food and convert it into energy, fat, muscle, and brain power. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels and facilitates the uptake and storage of nutrients.

On the other hand, when we contend in prolonged periods of fasting, our body undergoes a metabolic shift. Initially, it uses the glucose stored in our liver and muscles as an energy source. However, once these glucose reserves are depleted, the body enters ketosis.

During ketosis, the body switches its fuel source and instead breaks down stored fat for energy. This process is what we aim to stimulate through intermittent fasting. By restricting our eating windows and allowing our body to enter a fasting state, we encourage the utilization of stored fat and potentially experience weight loss and other health benefits.

So, what can I drink while fasting intermittently? When it comes to drinking while fasting, we have two objectives:

  1. Stay with Water: It’s crucial to ensure adequate hydration during fasting. During fasting periods, it’s easy to overlook drinking water, which can lead to dehydration. Furthermore, because food provides a substantial amount of our daily fluid intake, restricting our meal times reduces our hydration because we require water from food.s our hydration because we need water from food.
  1. Maintain the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: To preserve the benefits of intermittent fasting, avoiding consuming drinks that trigger a significant insulin release is vital. Insulin release can disrupt the metabolic processes associated with fasting and may hinder the shift to fat-burning ketosis.

We can fulfill our hydration needs while keeping our bodies in a fasting state and promoting the desired metabolic effects by being mindful of our beverage choices during fasting, such as water, unsweetened herbal tea, or black coffee.

Is it possible to break a fast with mineral water?

Spring water is naturally sourced from underground springs and usually undergoes minimal processing. As a result, it’s known for its clean and crisp taste, making it a popular choice. The best part is that it doesn’t contain any calories or nutrients that would require your body to break them down and process them, precisely what you want during fasting.

Drinking mineral water can help quench your thirst and keep you hydrated throughout fasting. 

Morning Intermittent Fasting Drinks

Starting your day with suitable beverages can help you stay energized and hydrated throughout your fasting period. 

Here’re some friendly suggestions:


Let’s begin with the ultimate hydratorβ€”good old H2O! Water should be your go-to drink during fasting. It’s calorie-free, refreshing, and essential for maintaining proper bodily functions. 

Black Coffee

If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll be thrilled that black coffee is generally acceptable during intermittent fasting. It’s low in calories and can give you a nice energy boost to start your day. Just skip the cream, sugar, or additives that might break your fast.

Herbal Tea

Herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, or ginger tea, can be a delightful addition to your fasting routine. They are typically calorie-free and offer many flavors and potential health benefits. Enjoy a warm cup of herbal tea in the morning to soothe your senses and hydrate your body.

Green Tea

Another fantastic option is green tea. It contains a mediocre amount of caffeine and antioxidants that promote overall well-being. 

Sparkling Water

Sometimes, you might crave a little fizz to break the monotony. In that case, reach for some sparkling water. It’s a fantastic zero-calorie option that can add a bit of excitement to your morning routine without interfering with your fasting goals.

Experts’ Opinion on Does Lemon Water Break Autophagy?

If your primary goal is autophagy or a clean fast for weight loss or healing, it is generally advised to avoid drinking lemon water while fasting.

Lemon water contains compounds that may stimulate your digestive system and raise insulin levels, interfering with the fasting process

To get the most out of your fasting, it’s best to stick to plain water or other fasting-friendly beverages with no additives.

Outside of fasting hours, lemon water can be a healthy and refreshing drink to drink. 

Is it possible to break a fast with fruit-infused water?

Fruit-infused or flavored water is made by adding slices of fruits, herbs, or vegetables to water, allowing the flavors to infuse. It can be a tasty and refreshing option, but whether it breaks a fast depends on your fasting goals and the specific ingredients.

Even though it might not contain substantial calories, fruit-infused water can still have a small number of natural sugars and flavors that could stimulate your digestive system and disrupt the fasting state.

However, if you’re following a more flexible approach to fasting or your main focus is hydration and enjoyment, fruit-infused water can be a delightful choice

Is it possible to drink juice while fasting?

If you’re doing intermittent fasting for weight loss, autophagy, or other health reasons, it’s best to avoid drinking juice while fasting. Juice, particularly store-bought varieties, can be high in natural sugars and calories, stimulating your digestive system and triggering an insulin response, thereby breaking your fast.

Even if made from fresh fruits, drinking juice contains a lot of calories and easily digestible sugars, which can make fasting difficult and prevent you from reaching your desired fasting state.

Can You Have a Smoothie While Fasting?

Smoothies, even with healthy ingredients, often contain calories and can initiate the digestive process, potentially breaking your fast.

Smoothies typically include a combination of fruits, vegetables, and liquids such as water or milk. While these ingredients are packed with essential nutrients, they also contain natural sugars, fiber, and sometimes added ingredients like protein powders or sweeteners. These components can stimulate your digestive system and cause an insulin response, which may interfere with fasting.

When enjoying a smoothie during your eating window, aim for a balance of protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich carbohydrates. This can help slow digestion, keep you satiated, and minimize potential blood sugar spikes.

Does Coconut Water Break a Fast? What Drinks Should You Avoid While Fasting?

It is generally advised to avoid drinking coconut water while fasting. 

While it contains fewer calories than other sugary drinks, it does contain natural sugars and carbohydrates, which can stimulate your digestive system and potentially break your fast.

Other beverages to avoid during your morning fast include:

  • Juices from fruits and vegetables 
  • sugary beverages such as soda, and energy drinks.
  • sweetened teas milk and dairy-based drinks ​​

On the 16:8 Diet, Can I Drink Coffee with Milk?

​​ The good news is that most people can tolerate coffee with a small amount of milk during the fasting period.

 The calories and nutrients from a splash of milk in your coffee are usually minimal and unlikely to have a significant impact on your fasting goals. 

When following the 16:8 diet for weight loss, it’s critical to keep track of your total calorie intake. Adding a teaspoon or two of milk should be fine and will not jeopardize your progress. Simply be mindful of staying within the calorie limit that is appropriate for your goals.

What Can I Drink in the Morning While Intermittent Fasting

Is It Okay to Drink Milk while Fasting?

If you’re following a more flexible approach to fasting or your main focus is on overall health and nutrition, milk can be a valuable addition to your eating window. 

When including milk in your diet, opt for low-fat or skim milk to keep the calorie and fat content in check. 

Additionally, suppose you have lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. In that case, plenty of non-dairy milk alternatives are available, such as almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk, which can be enjoyed during your eating window.

Will Coconut Milk Break a Fast?

When it comes to the ingredients you can eat while fasting, it’s critical to limit your total carbohydrate and protein intake to no more than 1 gram. 

You’re in luck if you’re using canned coconut milk! You can enjoy coconut milk during your fast as long as you stay under 8 ounces and stay within the 1-gram guideline. Just keep in mind that if the coconut milk is sweetened, even a small amount will break your fast, so go for unsweetened varieties.

If you’re using canned coconut milk, however, you should limit your intake to no more than two tablespoons. This portion size keeps you under the 1-gram limit. Furthermore, canned coconut milk is richer and denser, so a small amount goes a long way.

Will Oat Milk Break a Fast?

Oat milk contains carbohydrates and calories, which can be used to break a fast. This is because oats naturally contain a fair amount of carbohydrates, and some of those carbohydrates are transferred to the milk when oats are processed. This means that even unsweetened oat milk can contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates.

Unsweetened Almond Milk Disrupts Intermittent Fasting?

Almond milk is a popular dairy-free alternative known for its low carbohydrate and calorie content, making it a clear choice during fasting. If you’re following an “open intermittent fasting” approach, allowing yourself a small number of calories or specific foods during the fasting window, incorporating up to 0.5 cups or 120 ml of unsweetened almond milk could be a good option.

Intermittent Fasting Coffee With Almond Milk: To Drink or Not to Drink? 

Coffee is considered fasting-friendly when consumed black and without additives!

What about almond milk, though? It has very few calories and is often low in carbohydrates, especially when unsweetened. As a result, it is a viable option for many people during their fasting period. 

Is it permissible to drink tea with milk and sugar while fasting?

Tea is generally considered a fasting-friendly beverage if it contains no added calories. Things can get complicated when you add milk and sugar.

Milk contains calories, primarily from carbohydrates and protein, even in small amounts. As a result, if you want to fast strictly, avoid adding milk to your tea during the fasting window.

To stay within the fasting approaches, it is best to avoid sugar or sweeteners.

Can I drink tea with artificial sweeteners while fasting?

Absolutely! Artificial sweeteners can be a good option if you’re doing intermittent fasting and want to sweeten your tea. Artificial sweeteners are suitable for intermittent fasting because they provide sweetness without adding significant calories or carbohydrates.

Artificial sweeteners typically do not stimulate an insulin response because they have little or no effect on blood sugar levels. This means that putting artificial sweeteners in your tea while fasting is unlikely to break your fast or reduce the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to the best intermittent fasting drinks for you, there is no one-size-fits-all solution; it all depends on your goals and how you approach the practice. 

Water, black coffee, green tea, and herbal tea are excellent fasting beverages because they hydrate, help regulate hunger, and refresh morning beverages. 

Complex drinks, such as smoothies, should be avoided because liquid calories may be registered differently by the body during fasting, resulting in an incorrect counter-effect during fasting periods. 

Finally, focus on staying hydrated throughout the day to reap the benefits of intermittent fasting without jeopardizing your progress. So drink up and get ready for a revitalizing and refreshing start to your day!

Carmen Van Rensburg is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with a wealth of experience, spanning over 12 years in the field. She has demonstrated expertise in devising exercise-based rehabilitation services that promote wellness and recovery. Her instructive techniques in conducting safe and effective exercise sessions have significantly aided individuals in various areas. These include weight loss, improving muscle strength, optimizing cardiovascular function, enhancing body composition, increasing flexibility, and facilitating recovery from chronic diseases, disabilities, and injuries.

Intermittent fasting 101Intermittent fasting drink