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How To Start Working Out Again After Years

Exercise benefits the body and mind, but training can be very intimidating for fitness newbies or those who haven’t exercised in a long time. After a long break from physical activity, most people will not be able to perform at the same level as before. Managing expectations and setting realistic goals when returning to training after a break. Varying your workouts and including strength training in your training routine will help you increase your endurance and reduce the risk of injury. It’s easy to lose a few days in the gym, but it can sometimes stretch over weeks or months. You swear to return, but you struggle to commit.

You are not alone. Many people have difficulty getting back into working out once they quit their routine. Fortunately, you can take steps to get back to the gym.

how to start working out again

Habit and Routine Hold Us Back

Humans are creatures of habit, and we are comfortable with our days unfolding predictably. Even if we hit the gym regularly, it can be hard to get out of our comfort zone and get back into our old routine or try a new workout. We are also very good at rationalizing behavior and finding reasons why we can’t do something. When it comes to getting back to the gym, we may tell ourselves that we don’t have time or that we’re too out of shape and that if we try to work out, we’ll be sore for the rest of the week.

We may feel embarrassed about our appearance and worry that others in the gym are judging us. Worries about contagious diseases can make us feel anxious to exercise with other people. In short, you don’t have to force yourself to convince yourself that it’s better not to go back to the gym. With so many mental blocks in place, many people choose the path of least resistance and stay at home.

1. Consult your doctor before starting a workout program

Do you have previous injuries? Are there any health problems in your medical history? In these cases, you may want to check with your doctor before you start exercising. This may mean undergoing a physical exam to check your general health. A doctor’s approval is not required for simple exercises such as walking. However, Harvard Medical School says it’s best to consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program if:

  • you are very unstable on your feet,
  • feel dizzy or take medications that make you dizzy, or
  • have a history of heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or diabetes.

Also, read – Should You Walk 10,000 Steps Per Day for Weight Loss?

2. Find your current fitness level

     Establishing your current basic fitness level before starting an exercise plan is an excellent idea. This allows you to find an exercise regimen that is comfortable for you. Plus, it gives you a foundation to track your progress. You can work with a specialist such as a personal trainer or physical therapist. Or you can create your rating by finding out how many pushups, squats, or other core exercises you can do in a given period. If you want to be counseled by experts, you can follow a plan from recognized medical and fitness sources.

3. Build your exercise routine 

Once you understand your fitness level, you can design your plan to achieve your goals. Do you prefer ready-made plans? Several apps will provide you with a plan based on your age, fitness levels, and desired goals. To keep your motivation alive, create a plan that includes the activities you enjoy, not the ones you dread.

4. Choose the right clothes to train 

Having the right shoes and other performance clothing can help keep you comfortable while you move.

5. Stretch your muscles

It is essential to incorporate stretching into your new exercise program. Harvard Medical School also found that stretching keeps muscles strong and flexible. Without stretching, the muscles can become short and tense. This weakens them and puts you at risk for muscle damage, strains, soreness, and joint pain. Stretch the entire muscle group for at least 30 seconds each time.

How To Start Working Out Again To Getting Strength

1. Find Your β€˜Why’ 

Motivating yourself to try helps you find concrete reasons why you want to do it. Maybe you want to reduce your cholesterol or blood pressure. Perhaps you are among the three Americans with prediabetes, and your doctor has suggested you exercise to prevent full-blown diabetes. Maybe you want the energy to keep up with your children or grandchildren.

2. Start Small and Go Slow 

Regular exercise doesn’t have to be a big commitment, and it doesn’t have to be done in the gym.

Starting small can also help you avoid going overboard. If you’re trying to go from couch potato to marathon runner overnight, you’re setting yourself up for injury or burnout, both of which can potentially keep you from exercising permanently. Instead of pushing yourself beyond what your body can handle, start slowly and make gradual increases as you get stronger. 

3. Make a Plan and Stick to It 

It’s hard to find time to exercise, which is why many people see their exercise routines go off the rails. Make a schedule to train at a particular time on a specific day and stick to it. Exercise should be considered a priority, an item on your to-do list that needs to be done. Once it becomes a habit, you won’t have to work hard to bring exercise into your life.

Also, read – How to Stick to a Diet: Ways to Increase Your Willpower

4. Lean On Technology 

Nowadays, putting together the perfect workout plan is as easy as taking out your smartphone. Many apps available can choose exercises for you based on your fitness level and personal preferences. Online you can find countless free videos on how to work out, anything from yoga to aerobics. You can also join a virtual club or group of like-minded people who will encourage you as a responsible partner. You can also try a subscription fitness plan, where you pay a monthly fee for classes, personal training, or other guidance from the comfort of your home. You may be motivated to exercise when you pay for it. 

5. Give It Time 

The change doesn’t happen overnight, and you may find the first few weeks in the gym a little physically and mentally uncomfortable. Massage, stretching, and cold showers can relieve pain. And after two to three weeks of routine exercise, you probably won’t feel pain anymore. You will feel more energy. You will start to feel good about the dopamine neurotransmitter after exercise. In other words, your workouts will become rewarding instead of punishing.

How Long Does It Take To Get In Shape

With frequent exercise, you can lose one to three percent of your body fat each month. However, it varies from person to person because many variables affect how much you lose and how safe it is to lose in a specific period. These variables include gender, age, current activity level, muscle mass, and hormones that affect metabolism. 

If you’re out of shape or haven’t exercised for ten years or forever, it will generally take about two months of training most days of the week to reach a moderate level. And if you exercise regularly, you’ll reap even more fitness benefits. At 6-8 weeks, you may notice some changes, and at 3-4 months, you can do a pretty good review of your health and fitness. Specific strength results take about the same amount of time.


For starters, don’t feel guilty about not exercising. We all live in unusual times and make the best of them. The excellent news is that you can always start a new exercise program when you feel ready. There are exercises for everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or space. Find something you love to do and reap the rewards of moving. Soon you will see results in your physical health and also in your mental health.

William is from Canada, he is passionate nutrition & wellness writer. William understands that the topic of wellness is still not well understood, so his goal is to enlighten and teach people how to live healthier and happier in their bodies.

Lilly Jackson is the Fitness coach & Rehabilitator. She is helping women everywhere unlock their full potential in health and fitness! With a Masters's in Medicine and a passion for writing, her calling is to share knowledge with the world.