Jeremy’s Story
I was a prisoner in my own body, slowly suffocating under nearly 500 lbs of fat crushing my lungs. And it was ready for a jailbreak.
“Lose 200 lbs or you’ll be dead in less than a year,” my doctor said.
The scale read 487 pounds that day. I was on round-the-clock oxygen and I was in progressive respiratory failure from obesity hypoventilation syndrome. They told me I’d likely die in my sleep if I didn’t lose a significant amount of weight immediately.
I started Weight Watchers in the 5th grade, going from diet to diet but I just got bigger & bigger as the years passed. Nothing worked.

My focus shifted that day from dieting to survival. I focused entirely on eating whole, real food once a day to create a calorie deficit. It’s simple, but not necessarily easy. I struggled with hunger, cravings, and irritability for a few weeks but then I broke through.
I eat every day simultaneously and stick with high-quality, whole foods that provide maximum nutrition with a calorie shortfall.
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This was me two years ago. Nearly dead.
And here I am today. Half the man I used to be. My last weigh-in was 254. I can see the finish line just up ahead. If I can do this, anyone can. I was tethered to an oxygen tank facing a death sentence and now I’m building my own house. It’s incredible to feel like this. And you can feel it too. It’s never too late to start a new life.