Fasting has been an integral part of human culture for many years. It is often seen as a means of cleansing the body for spiritual and detoxification purposes. Recently, however, it has gained another spotlight as a possible health booster, particularly in terms of hormone balance. One hormone that really stands out in the discussion is testosterone. So, how does fasting affect testosterone levels? 

This thorough article will cover the link between fasting and testosterone levels in the body. However, to understand how fasting links to testosterone levels, it is essential to discuss the biology of the hormone itself. 

Testosterone is an androgen hormone produced in the testicles. It is responsible for developing male genitalia and secondary male characteristics like hair on the body and face. Although commonly regarded as a male sex hormone, it has a significant role for women as well. While found in much smaller quantities in women, it can control sexual function, fat metabolism, and distribution and increase muscular mass and strength. Additionally, testosterone influences mood and cognitive performance and aids in maintaining bone density. 

Also, read – Fasting and Libido: The Surprising Effects

Table Of Contents

Does Fasting Boost Testosterone

The capacity of fasting to increase testosterone levels is an ongoing debate. Many favor the practice because of its boosting properties, while some are against it. Some studies have even shown does fasting increase testosterone levels. So, it’s male rats, while other investigations have shown the same thing in men. 

This impact is most significant when one follows the well-known intermittent fasting regimen, which switches between the periods of fasting and eating window at regular intervals. However, few studies have even reported no significant changes in testosterone levels following fasting. This means that the research outcomes that have looked at the connection between the two have been very mixed.

How Much Does Fasting Increase Testosterone?

Testosterone levels can rise significantly during fasting, but the amount of this rise depends on a number of things, such as the type of fasting and the individual’s health and age. 

One study that supports the idea of intermittent fasting testosterone boosting was conducted in 1989, which indicated that fasting can temporarily boost testosterone levels up to 180%. This study examined the effect of fasting on luteinizing hormone (LH), a key hormone involved in testicular function and testosterone synthesis.  Post-fasting, the research observed that non-obese men had a 67% rise in LH and, consequently, a 180% jump in testosterone. 

Let’s see what other research says about the effects of fasting and testosterone levels in men. 

One study was done for nine days following intermittent fasting, which considerably decreased testosterone levels in men. A study done in 2009 found that levels of the hormones LH and testosterone dropped after fasting because of the calorie restriction. On the other hand, a more recent study from 2022 found that young, healthy men’s testosterone levels dropped when they did intermittent fasting. This also had an adverse effect on their metabolic health and libido (but no impact on their strength or muscle mass). 

This is what research conducted on males thus far has shown regarding the effect of fasting and testosterone levels in tabular form.  

Study YearFindings
1981Fasting decreases testosterone levels in men with other hormonal changes 
1989180% increase in testosterone response in obese men
2009Drop in LH and testosterone after fasting.
2022A decline in testosterone in young, healthy men

Can Fasting Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

No, fasting does not have any direct link to cause erectile dysfunction. In fact, some evidence suggests that fasting can reduce the risk of having erectile dysfunction. For example, a study involving 271 men found that those who followed intermittent fasting reported lower rates of erectile dysfunction compared to those who did not.

However, if intermittent fasting is associated with severe food changes and caloric deficiencies, it might affect hormone balance and general health. Inadequate calorie consumption or unhealthy eating habits can cause hormonal changes, which in turn can cause erectile dysfunction in men.

Women and Intermittent Fasting Testosterone Levels 

Very few studies have been done on whether intermittent fasting increases testosterone levels in women. They are mentioned below:  

One study indicates that intermittent fasting can have well-observed effects on women’s hormones, especially on the dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) hormone. Fasting can lower the DHEA levels in the body; consequently, the synthesis of other important hormones like testosterone and estrogen also drops. 

2022 research has also proven that fasting can lower testosterone levels in women. It is relatively good for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who want to use intermittent fasting as a tool to reduce testosterone levels. But the research utilized obese women and this means it can have deliberately lower levels of testosterone in otherwise healthy women. 

However, in the 2023 study, total testosterone levels were greater in fasting women than in non-fasting women. In particular, the average testosterone levels when fasting were 27.39 ng/dL, but the average levels were 24.47 ng/dL for non-fasting participants, making a difference of 9-11% in total.  

This variation in the data makes it more confusing to come to a single conclusion about the debate about fasting and testosterone levels in women as well. 

Study YearFindings
2022Intermittent fasting may lower DHEA levels, potentially reducing testosterone and estrogen.
2022Fasting lowered testosterone levels in women, especially beneficial for those with PCOS, primarily in obese women.
2023Fasting women had higher testosterone levels up to 9-11% when compared to non-fasting women. 

Factors That Can Effect Intermittent Fasting Testosterone  Levels 

There are several ways in which intermittent fasting affects testosterone production. Such as: 

  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity 

Fasting improves insulin sensitivity. This, in turn, affects testosterone production. Conversely, insulin resistance, which is common in obese people, can disrupt testosterone synthesis and lead to drastically decreased levels. 

  • Use of Protein 

Many people ask this question: Does protein increase testosterone? The answer is yes; getting enough protein can help keep your testosterone levels in range. Protein helps hormones, like testosterone, stay in check and build muscle growth. A diet that is too low in protein may cause testosterone levels to drop, while a healthy diet can help hormone production stay normal. But striking a nice balance is important in between the intake of protein as per body. 

  • Caloric Restriction

There is some evidence that intermittent fasting might cause people to cut back on calories. In response to consuming fewer calories, your body may reduce hormone production. Thus, prolonged intermittent fasting can cause testosterone disruption.  

  • Metabolic Adaptations

Fasting can cause the body to make certain adaptations, like burning more fat and producing ketones. This may, in return, affect the processes in cells that help create testosterone. This indirectly favors the mechanism of fasting to boost testosterone levels in the body. 

  • Does Coffee Lower Testosterone?

Does coffee increase testosterone levels in the body, particularly in men? According to research, coffee may stimulate the adrenal glands, which could cause testosterone levels to rise.  But these changes are usually small and don’t last long and may not have a long-lasting effect on testosterone levels. 

  • Individual Factors

The effect of intermittent fasting may also depend on personal characteristics, including age, sex, and health. For example, older people or people who already have hormonal issues might not feel the same benefits of testosterone as younger, healthier people.

How Long to Fast to Increase Testosterone

There are a few mentioned studies that show that fasting for 16 hours and then eating for 8 hours may help raise testosterone levels temporarily. As already mentioned above, three weeks of intermittent fasting testosterone levels increased up to 180%. 

There are some things you can do to get the most out of intermittent fasting if you want to raise your testosterone levels. Start by gradually increasing the length of your fasts over time. One way to do this is to start by fasting for 12 hours at night and work your way up to fasting for 16 hours during the day.

It’s also essential to make sure you’re getting enough calories and nutrients, such as proteins, during your meals to help your body make hormones properly. Some foods that are high in protein and nutritional value are lean meats, fish, and beans. 

Last but not least, pay attention to your body and change your fasting schedule if necessary. If you’ve noticed adverse reactions like feeling tired, irritated, or stressed, you should change your fasting plan or shorten your fasting times. These symptoms could indicate elevated cortisol levels, as prolonged fasting can trigger the body’s stress response, leading to increased cortisol production. 

So, How to Reduce Cortisol While Fasting

There is no fixed rule to lower cortisol levels while fasting, but there are several things that can be done that can help. These methods include staying hydrated, practicing relaxation techniques, and limiting caffeine intake.  

Is It Okay to Do a 72-hour Fast for Testosterone?

Engaging in a 72-hour fast may have benefits for testosterone levels, but this extent of fast must be approached with caution. 

A couple of studies indicate that extended fasting could trigger hormonal transitions, resulting in momentary boosts of testosterone for some individuals. Results from these studies imply that fasting can cause a rise in testosterone levels, chiefly owing to its effects on luteinizing hormone (LH), important for the synthesis of testosterone. 

But fasting for a long time can also raise cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone and usually lowers testosterone production. A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that fasting for a long time can raise cortisol levels, which might cancel out the positive effects of fasting on testosterone.

So, before you try a 72-hour fast, you should carefully think about your health, your habits, and any conditions you already have. Talking to a doctor can help you make sure that the duration of fasting matches your health goals and needs. 

Alternatives of Doing a 72 Hour Fast Testosterone Levels 

If fasting does not increase significantly testosterone levels to healthier levels, then what are the other ways there are to increase it? 

Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your body from producing enough of the hormone besides intermittent fasting. 

Regular Exercising

Exercise has been shown to slightly increase testosterone levels, and with consistent activity, it can lead to more stable hormone levels. Research done in 2018 suggests fasting boosts testosterone and that an acute exercise regime and overnight intermittent fasting really increase testosterone levels to a good extent. 

Some doctors also recommended exercising three to four times a week, preferably with weights and strength training, but also including cardio to achieve the best results. No matter what kind of exercise you do, the most important thing is to be consistent. You can also consult your doctor to find out what schedule and health goals will work best for you. 

Don’t Stress

Studies suggest that stress can negatively impact testosterone levels in the body. 

That is why it is crucial to deal with stress in a good way or to avoid it at all. 

Good stress management practices include regular exercise, a healthy diet (which is known to increase testosterone levels), enough sleep, meditation, and relaxation.

Focus on a Good Diet

Although no single food can have a huge impact, a well-rounded diet can promote healthy testosterone production.

For example, the Mediterranean diet has been found to have a good effect on testosterone levels. This diet focuses on fresh produce, whole grains, healthy fats, lean protein, moderate dairy, and less focus on red meat. Additionally, you can add foods like avocado, almonds, seeds, and olive oil as a source of healthy fat. 

However, one should avoid a low-fat diet, in particular, which might have a detrimental effect on testosterone levels. Therefore, it’s best to avoid such diets.

Does Magnesium Break a Fast

Though not commonly acknowledged, adding magnesium supplements to your diet can give a major boost to testosterone levels.  As per research, taking a magnesium supplement, particularly paired with physical activity, can raise testosterone levels, especially in males. 

Taking magnesium can reap the benefits of intermittent fasting even more. Magnesium can help ease some of the adverse effects of fasting, like fatigue and muscle cramps, so you can keep up your energy and get the most out of your workouts.

As for whether magnesium breaks fast, most of the time it doesn’t. Magnesium supplements, especially pure types like magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate, don’t usually trigger the insulin response. They are also low in calories. So, they can be taken during times when people are fasting.  

Avoid Alcohol

It has been found that drinking a lot of alcohol (more than 8 glasses a day) can lower the amount of testosterone in the body. 

Why? It is because drinking alcohol damages the Leydig cells that make testosterone. Along with this, alcohol also speeds up the breakdown of testosterone in the blood. In addition to reducing testosterone levels, the empty calories in alcohol might make you gain weight and undo the benefits of fasting. 

So, limiting alcohol to a safe extent can save your hormonal balance. 

Have Sufficient Sleep

We all know how important sleep is. It is even good for maintaining sufficient testosterone levels. Research shows that testosterone levels might drop by 15% the next day if there is less than eight hours of sleep the night before. It is because most testosterone is released when we are sleeping, and if we don’t, we will have low levels of the hormone. 

So, aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep in order to maintain testosterone levels. If you have trouble sleeping, incorporate these habits into your routine, such as maintaining a regular nighttime routine, sleeping in a cool, dark room, and limiting or eliminating caffeine and screen time in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Also, read – Ageless Strength: Intermittent Fasting for Men Over 50 with Inspiring Personal Stories

Wrapping it Up 

There is some evidence that fasting increases testosterone levels, but that effect is somehow temporary and the research is not consistent to date. For example, how fasting affects your testosterone levels could differ from person to person depending on different reasons. 

Even if the effects on hormones are still being studied, the many potential health rewards make it worth considering intermittent fasting as part of your lifestyle. It also fosters general wellness, not just hormonal balance.  

Does intermittent fasting increase testosterone? Follow a healthy and lasting regimen. You may achieve the beneficial effects with careful preparation, a nutrient-dense diet, enough water, and medical supervision. That is why we recommend consulting a doctor, who may help you figure out what’s best for your hormones and health in general. 

So, are you ready to try intermittent fasting? Today is the day to begin your journey and understand its advantages for both your health and your emotional state!


1. Is There a Really Connection Between Testosterone and Fasting?

Indeed, the hormone levels, including testosterone, can be altered through fasting. The achievement of this effect has been particularly recorded with intermittent fasting. 

2. Does Fasting Affect Testosterone Level?

It is true that fasting may affect testosterone levels. Intermittent fasting for a short time may raise testosterone levels by making the body more sensitive to insulin. However, fasting for a long time or for very long periods of time could lower testosterone levels because the body will save energy and make fewer hormones. The effect is different for each person and the type of fasting they utilize.

3. Does Water Increase Testosterone in the Body?

Staying well-hydrated is good for your health in general, as well as for hormonal health. However, there is no direct proof that drinking water raises testosterone levels. 

4. Does Testosterone Reduce Inflammation?

It’s true that testosterone has some capability to minimize inflammatory response. It acts by stabilizing the immune response and reducing the activity of cells that cause inflammation in the body. 

Clinical Project Manager and Writer

With a Ph.D. in nutritional biology, Dr. Richardson is an expert in the field of nutrition, particularly intermittent fasting. Her dissertation project was an intermittent fasting study in athletes, which is where she gained substantial knowledge on the topic. She has contributed to a number of peer-reviewed articles spanning a wide array of topics and works as a freelance writer trying to make scientific knowledge accessible to the public.