If you are a busy man with no time for extensive gym routines or are searching for a quick way to stay fit, then chair yoga is your answer. Chair yoga improves one’s physical and mental well-being while sitting comfortably. And if you are someone over the age of 50 or a senior looking to be active, this versatile exercise is for you.

This blog post will feature chair yoga for men, highlighting its effectiveness, impressive workouts, and weight loss possibilities with some bonus exercises. You will learn how a few simple moves can greatly impact your fitness for everyone, from yoga skeptics to fitness enthusiasts. So, let’s get our imaginary yoga mats ready and begin.

Table Of Contents

What is Chair Yoga? Explained!

Chair yoga – is definitely what it sounds like, a modified version of yoga that allows you to practice it while seated in a simple chair. This form of exercise is particularly beneficial for chair yoga for men or for those who find it difficult to take part in conventional yoga, either due to mobility issues, age, or any other restriction. 

That is why many various yoga positions may be safely performed with the use of a chair, allowing you to work on your flexibility, balance, and strength in an orderly manner. 

Physical Health Benefits of Chair Yoga for Men 

Men’s chair yoga offers several benefits for physical fitness and overall well-being.

1. Improves Postures 

All-day sitting jobs can lead to poor posture. But chair yoga can be an effective tool in correcting this while reducing back pain and improving overall spinal health. 

2. Provides Flexibility 

Male bodies show natural tightness in their hip sector along with their hamstrings region. Regular chair yoga practice enhances significantly the flexibility of areas such as the hips and hamstrings in most men. 

3. Feasibility and Safety

Male bodies show natural tightness in their hip sector along with their hamstrings region. Regular chair yoga practice enhances significantly the flexibility of areas such as the hips and hamstrings in most men. 

4. Accessibility and Convenience

One of the main reasons that chair yoga for men is really effective is its accessibility 

  • It can be practiced anywhere, at home or in the office.
  • Requires minimal equipment, just a chair 
  • Its low-impact nature makes it a suitable choice for all fitness levels and ages, even for men over 50. 
  • Very quick to do with sessions as short as 10-15 minutes. 

🪑 Improve Mobility with Chair Yoga

Unlock better flexibility and strength with a simple chair! Try the 28-Day Chair Yoga Challenge.

Man practicing chair yoga

Mental Health Benefits of Chair Yoga 

Chair yoga exercises for men are equally effective for mental health. 

1. Reduction in Stress

Stress in the workplace is a common problem for men. Chair yoga can be very beneficial in these times as it provides mental calmness, even during short breaks at work.

2. Mental Clarity

Doing chair yoga can be a great asset and provide you with mental clarity, helping you stay concentrated and productive throughout your day. 

3. Regulate Your Mood

Doing chair yoga on a regular basis can improve your mood and encourage emotions of satisfaction and happiness.

Read also – The Incredible Chair Yoga Benefits You Need to Know

Chair Yoga for Senior Men – Why to Try?

Doing strenuous and stressful exercise is a bit harder at an older age, So here are some easy chair yoga poses for senior men: 

Seated Pigeon Pose

The seated pigeon pose targets the hip and glutes and works on tight hip flexors. It is also a great exercise for back pain and sciatica. 

To do it:

  1. Sit straight with your back away from the chair. 
  2. Now raise your right ankle and bring it to the top of your left knee or thigh. If it seems hard for you, just use your hand to assist you. 
  3. Inhale, flex the right foot and then exhale while bending your body forward. 
  4. Stay in this position for a few breaths and then carefully return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the same exercise by switching sides, i.e., the left foot on the right knee. 

Reverse Arm Hold

The reverse arm hold is another great chair yoga pose for seniors to try: 

  1. Begin by sitting on a chair with feet firmly on the ground and back straight. 
  2. Inhale deeply and reach your arms straight to your side at a low and wide angle. 
  3. Exhale slowly and reach for your hand behind you by bending your elbows slightly. 
  4. Arch your back to feel that stretch in your shoulders. Now, take several breaths in this position, in and out. 
  5. Repeat a few times in one sitting. 

These are some of the best chair yoga for men over 50 or senior men. However, it’s important to take your time and avoid performing strenuous yoga poses like cat and cow stretches and forward lean poses. These poses tend to put a strain on the vertebrae and can increase the risk of fracture.  

The Best Chair Yoga Exercises for Men to Start 

Being not a bodybuilder or, in fact, a sportsman, if you are ready to try chair yoga, here are a few simple movements to begin with. 

Seated Spinal Twist

This is one of the best chair yoga exercises for men, focusing on strengthening your abdomen, back, hips, and spine muscles, as well as loosening up your tight shoulder and neck muscles. Along with all these benefits, a seated spinal twist also promotes better digestion and blood circulation in the body. To do a seated side twist, follow this step-by-step guide. 

  1. Sit sideways on a chair with both your feet touching the ground.
  2. Place one hand on the backrest of the chair and the other one on the thigh. 
  3. Now, gently twist your torso towards the backrest and hold this position for three to five breaths. Also, try to remain relaxed and steady in your breathing pattern. 
  4. Then, gently return to the starting position and repeat the same exercise on the opposite side.
  5. Repeat a few sets in one sitting. 

Seated Revolved Chair Yoga Pose 

The revolved chair yoga pose helps to improve flexibility, balance, and stability and can help relieve back pain. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Sit on a chair with your feet grounded on the floor. 
  2. Now bring your hands together in a prayer pose at the center of your chest. 
  3. Exhale and twist your upper body to the left. Let your right elbow rest on the outside of your left knee, and turn your gaze to the sky. 
  4. Hold this pose for a few breaths, but keep breathing naturally. 
  5. No return to the starting point and repeat the same for the other side of the body. 

Read also – The Best Yoga Poses For 2: The Power of Collaboration

Men’s Chair Yoga for Weight Loss

If you’re seeking an effective yet gentle approach to dropping some pounds, men’s chair yoga for weight loss could just be the answer you’ve been waiting for. Here are the top choices. 

Seated Sun Salutation

The seated sun salutation is an excellent exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, increases heart rate, and enhances the calorie-burning process through movement. Along with it, it is also great for increasing flexibility in the body. Here is the guide: 

  1. Sit straight with feet flat on the floor.  
  2. Now, inhale and raise your arms overhead. 
  3. Then, exhale gently and move forward; this will bring your hand to the floor.
  4. Now, again, lift your chest up and inhale while looking up at the ceiling. 
  5. Then, exhale and return to the starting point. 
  6. Repeat the exercises three to five times. 

Seated Leg Lifts

Seated leg lifts are great chair yoga poses that increase general metabolic activity by burning more calories. When you repeat a similar motion while doing a leg lift, you burn calories and build lean muscle mass (this helps boost metabolism and hence helps with weight loss). 

To do a leg lift: 

  1. Sit tall on an armless chair with your feet grounded. Hold on to the sides of the chair for support. 
  2. First, inhale and feel the air in your lungs. Then, as you exhale, lift your right leg in front of you, hold it for a few breaths, and gently lower it. 
  3. Repeat the same process with the left leg. 
  4. Try performing 10 leg lifts on each side and gradually increasing as you get more comfortable doing it. 

If you are keen to learn more about exercises other than chair yoga, then the Lasta app is all you need. It features multiple exercises along with specific plans and tips from leading professionals to help you optimize your workouts.  


We have shared many exercises, including some chair yoga for older men. These moderate exercises help with breath control and light stretching despite their non-vigorous nature, but they lead someone toward better health. The only way to accomplish improvement is to maintain regular practice. Daily performance of brief exercise sessions brings substantial benefits to strength and flexibility!

🪑 Is Chair Yoga Right for You?

Discover how a simple chair can help you gain flexibility, strength, and peace of mind. Try the 28-Day Chair Yoga Challenge today!

Man practicing chair yoga

William is from Canada, he is passionate nutrition & wellness writer. William understands that the topic of wellness is still not well understood, so his goal is to enlighten and teach people how to live healthier and happier in their bodies.