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How to Get Better at Planks with Daily Practice?

Welcome to the 30 day plank challenge freeway with Lasta, where you’ll discover the secret to supercharged core strength and beyond! Imagine turning your plank from a fleeting thought into an unshakable fortress, all with just a bit of daily magic. It’s a gateway to unlocking a version of you that’s more assertive, balanced, and ready to take on the world.

We’re here to walk you through the ins and outs of perfecting your plank, day-by-day, with tips, tricks, and support to keep you motivated.

There is no need for heavy equipment or a gym membership—just you, a sprinkle of determination, and perhaps a comfy spot on the floor. Lace up your adventure boots because your plank perfection quest starts now! 

Also, read – 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge: Push the Wall, Pull the Core!

5 Remarkable Benefits of Planking Everyday

1. Core Strength 

Planks are phenomenal for building core strength. When you’re in a plank posture, you’re not just training your abs; you’re engaging the complete core, which includes the muscles surrounding your trunk and pelvis. Overall fitness depends on having a solid core since it improves stability and balance and makes daily tasks easier to handle and more effective.

2. Enhanced Posture & Balance

Regularly performing planks helps improve your posture by strengthening the muscles that align your spine. A strong core enables you to stand and sit straighter effortlessly. Better posture isn’t just about looking good—it reduces strain on your spine and can alleviate back pain. Improved balance is another perk, making you less prone to falls and enhancing performance in sports and daily tasks.

3. Metabolism Boost

Though they may seem static, planks are incredibly effective in boosting your metabolism. Plank challenge reviews report that your resting metabolic rate rises when you gain muscle, so you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. Thus, incorporating planks into your daily routine can contribute to weight management and overall health.

4. Reduced Back Pain

Planks work wonders for your back. Unlike exercises that pressure your spine or hip flexors, planks strengthen your back muscles without strain. A stronger core takes the pressure off your lower back, reducing discomfort. Studies have shown that people who incorporate core strengthening exercises like planking into their routines experience lower back pain.

5. Mental Health 

Exercise is good for the body and the mind. Planking, like other forms of exercise, can help reduce stress and anxiety. The focus and concentration required to hold a plank position can also serve as a form of mental training, encouraging a state of mindfulness known to reduce stress.

Also, read – Water Drinking Challenge – H2O, Here We Go!

How to Increase Plank Time Safely? Follow Expert Recommendations to Push Your Limits

  • The key is patience: although results may take time, persistence will pay off.
  • Form over duration: Never put more emphasis on taking more time than on keeping good form.
  • Rest is necessary: Never undervalue the ability to heal.

First and foremost, it’s important to nail your plank form. This helps avoid injuries and guarantees you get the most out of your activity. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders, your body should form a straight line from head to heels, and your core should be fully engaged. This is the foundation of a successful plank exercise.

Take your time to hit a minute or more right away. 

Start where you’re comfortable—even if that’s just a 30-second plank every day—and increase your time by 5 to 10 seconds as you feel stronger. 

This approach allows your muscles to adapt without being overstressed.

Side, reverse, and planks with leg lifts are great options. These variations can also help you engage different muscle groups, contributing to a stronger core and longer plank times.

Permit yourself to take a break if you experience severe pain or extreme discomfort. Your muscles need time to repair and strengthen. This will help prevent burnout and injury, ensuring your progress in extending your plank time isn’t halted.

30 Day Plank Challenge

Daily Plank Schedule to Transform Your Body 

Every second you add to your plank time is a second closer to your goal. With every passing day, you’re not just building a stronger core but a stronger will. 

Week 1: Establish the Basics
Day 120 seconds
Day 220 seconds
Day 330 seconds
Day 430 seconds
Day 540 seconds
Day 6Rest
Day 745 seconds
Week 2: Boost the Core
Day 845 seconds
Day 960 seconds
Day 1060 seconds
Day 1175 seconds
Day 1275 seconds
Day 13Rest
Day 1490 seconds
Week 3: Strengthen Your Endure
Day 1590 seconds
Day 16120 seconds
Day 17120 seconds
Day 18150 seconds
Day 19Rest
Day 20150 seconds
Day 21180 seconds
Week 4: Become a Plank Champion
Day 22180 seconds
Day 23210 seconds
Day 24Rest
Day 25210 seconds
Day 26240 seconds
Day 27240 seconds
Day 28Challenge yourself – hold as long as possible

The discomfort you feel today is the strength you’ll gain tomorrow. Envision your success in the plank challenge 30 days, revel in the progress, and push through the barriers.

Also, read – The Female Stages of Weight Loss

Burning Questions: How Many Calories Does a 1 Minute Plank Burn Really?

Planks involve contracting your muscles against a stationary resistance as an isometric exercise. Your core is the main muscle used when performing a plank. Planks, however, also work various other muscles in your body, such as the quadriceps, glutes, triceps, shoulders, and pectorals. Because of its complete involvement, planks are an excellent workout for increasing stability and strength.

On average, a person weighing around 150 pounds (68 kg) might burn approximately 3 to 4 calories per minute doing a plank. However, this is a rough estimation and can vary widely.

Witness the Plank Benefits Before and After Consistency

Emily’s journey to core strength and confidence

Emily, a 32-year-old graphic designer, initially struggled with core resilience. “I could scarcely hold a plank for 10 seconds,” she admits. But after consistently including planks in her workouts for six months, the changes were undeniable. 

“Not only can I now hold a plank for over three minutes, but my abdomen is toned, and I’ve never felt stronger or more confident in my life.”

Jasmine’s weight loss and body transformation

For 27-year-old Jasmine, planks became a pivotal part of her weight loss journey. “Incorporating 30-day plank challenge weight loss into my workout routine helped me lose over 20 pounds,” she shares. Beyond weight loss, Jasmine noticed a sculpted physique she had always dreamed of. 

“My arms, legs, and especially my core are much more defined. Planking has truly transformed my body.”

Mark’s path from back pain to better posture

Mark, a 45-year-old teacher, turned to planks following a friend’s advice to alleviate his chronic back pain. “I was skeptical at first,” Mark says. However, his back pain significantly decreased after three months of daily planking. 

“My posture improved, and I felt an overall strength I hadn’t felt before. It was like discovering a new part of myself.”

Alex’s story of endurance and mental strength

Alex, a 30-year-old software developer and avid runner, found an unexpected benefit of Plank Challenge for Men – increased mental toughness. “Adding planks to my training improved not just my core strength, but also my endurance during long runs,” Alex reveals. 

“It’s not just a physical challenge; it tests your mental fortitude as well.”

30 Day Plank Challenge for Beginners: Step Up Your Plank Marathon

Pre-Challenge Spikes for Beginner Plank Challenge

  1. Start your plank workouts at least five minutes early with a light aerobic or dynamic stretching warm-up.
  1. Keep a straight line from head to heels. Squeeze your glutes, contract your core, and maintain a neutral neck posture. Distribute weight evenly between your elbows/arms and toes.
  1. Start each exercise with a 30-second rest between repetitions.

Day 1-30 Breakdown

Week 1 

  • Day 1. Standard Plank – 20 seconds
  • Day 2. Side Plank (Right) – 15 seconds, Side Plank (Left) – 15 seconds
  • Day 3. Reverse Plank – 20 seconds
  • Day 4. Rest Day (Active stretching focusing on the core and back)
  • Day 5. Standard Plank – 30 seconds
  • Day 6. Plank Shoulder Taps – 3 sets of 10 taps (5 on each side)
  • Day 7. Side Plank with Leg Lift (Right) – 10 seconds, Side Plank with Leg Lift (Left) – 10 seconds

Week 2

  • Day 8. Standard – 2 minute plank
  • Day 9. Reverse Plank – 30 seconds
  • Day 10. Plank Push-ups – 3 sets of 5 repetitions
  • Day 11. Rest Day (Active stretching focusing on shoulders and arms)
  • Day 12. Side Plank Dips (Right) – 15 seconds, Side Plank Dips (Left) – 15 seconds
  • Day 13. Standard Plank with Leg Lift – 3 sets of 10 seconds for each leg
  • Day 14. Walking Plank – 3 sets of 5 steps in each direction

Week 3

  • Day 15. Standard Plank – 50 seconds
  • Day 16. Side Plank (Right) – 30 seconds, Side Plank (Left) – 30 seconds
  • Day 17. Reverse Plank with Leg Lift – 3 sets of 5 lifts on each leg
  • Day 18. Rest Day (Active stretching focusing on the whole body)
  • Day 19. Plank Jacks – 3 sets of 10 repetitions
  • Day 20. Up-Down Plank – 3 sets of 6 repetitions
  • Day 21. Forearm Plank to Side Plank Rotation – 3 sets of 5 rotations on each side

Week 4

  • Day 22. Standard Plank – 60 seconds
  • Day 23. Reverse Plank – 45 seconds
  • Day 24. Plank with Shoulder Touch – 3 sets of 12 touches
  • Day 25. Rest Day (Active stretching and meditation focusing on mindfulness and recovery)
  • Day 26. Side Plank with Twist (Right) – 3 sets of 6 twists, Side Plank with Twist (Left) – 3 sets of 6 twists
  • Day 27. Spiderman Plank – 3 sets of 8 repetitions (4 each leg)
  • Day 28. Plank Hold Challenge – 5-minute plank or as long as possible
  • Day 29. Rest Day (Active recovery, focus on hydration and nutrition)
  • Day 30. Plank Circuit (Standard, Side, Reverse, Walking) – Take 15 seconds off between each 30-second exercise

Also, read – Crush the 30 Day Squat Challenge

Plank Challenge for Women – Empowerment Through Stability   

  1. Equip yourself with a yoga mat for comfort and grip.
  2. A timer to keep track of your plank durations.
  3. Ensure proper hydration with plank every day – consider a high-quality, BPA-free water bottle.
1Standard Plank20 seconds
2Forearm Plank20 seconds
3Side Plank (Right), Side Plank (Left)15 seconds on each side
4Rest Day (Light stretching focusing on the core)
5Reverse Plank20 seconds
6Plank with Shoulder Taps3 sets x 10 reps
7Rest Day (Hydrate and prepare for next week)
8Walking Plank3 sets x 5 steps in each direction
9Commando Plank (Up-Down Plank)3 sets x 10 reps
10Rest Day (Active stretching focusing on shoulders and arms)
11Spider-Man Plank3 sets x 10 reps (5 on each side)
12Side Plank with Leg Lift (Right), Side Plank with Leg Lift (Left)3 sets x 10 seconds for each arm
13Plank Jacks3 sets x 10 reps
14Rest Day (Mindful meditation focusing on recovery)
15One-arm Full Plank15 seconds on each side
16Star Side Plank (Right), Star Side Plank (Left)15 seconds each side
17Rest Day (Full body active stretching)
18Mountain Climber Pushup3 sets x 8 reps
19Plank Push and Pull3 sets x 10 reps
20Plank with Arm Extension3 sets x 10 seconds for each arm
21Rest Day (Reflect on progress and hydrate)
22Reverse Plank with Leg Lift3 sets x 10 reps (5 each leg)
23Frog Plank3 sets x 10 reps
24Rest Day (Focus on nutrition and hydration)
25Plank Crunches3 sets x 10 reps
26Rocking Plank3 sets x 15 seconds
27Plank Circuit (Standard, Side, Reverse, and Walking Plank)30 seconds each with 15-second rests in between
28Rest Day (Self-care day focusing on mental well-being)
29Plank Hold ChallengeHold as long as possible
30Rest Day (Celebrate your accomplishment!)

30 Day Planking Challenge Chart: From Day 1 to 30 

  • Standard Plank (SP)
  • Forearm Plank (FP)
  • Side Plank (SiP)
  • Reverse Plank (RP)
  • Plank with Leg Lift (PLL)
1SP20 secondsFocus on form; engage the core.
2FP20 secondsKeep your back straight and neck neutral.
3SiP (each side)10 secondsBalance is key; engage obliques.
4RestStretch your arms, shoulders, and back.
5SP + FP20 seconds eachTransition smoothly between positions.
6RP15 secondsLift through your hips; keep your legs straight.
7SiP (each side)15 secondsFocus on hip lift and stability.
8RestHydrate well and focus on nutrition.
9SP + FP30 seconds eachIncrease duration gradually.
10SP + RP30 seconds eachAlternate between SP and RP.
11PLL (alternate)Keep the RP form tight; lift your legs with control.Raise each leg while maintaining the plank position.
12RestActive recovery; gentle stretching.
13FP + SiP (each side)30 sec FP; 20-sec SiPEngage your core and side muscles.
14RP + PLL30 sec RP; 5 lifts30-sec SiP; 6 lifts
15SP + FP + SiP40 sec eachChallenge your endurance.
16RestReflect on your progress; stay motivated.
17FP + RP + PLL45 sec RP; 6 liftsIncrease the difficulty gradually.
18SiP + PLL1 min FP; 45-sec SiPMix it up to keep the challenge engaging.
19SP + FP1 min eachHalfway there! Keep pushing forward.
20RestCelebrate your progress; you’re doing great!
21All variations45 sec eachRotate through all variations for a full workout.
22RP + PLL1 min RP; 7 liftsAim for smooth transitions and controlled movements.
23SiP + FP1 min eachBuild up your side and core strength.
24RestTake this day to rest; visualize your goal.
25SP + RP + PLL1 min SP/RP; 8 liftsYou’re stronger than you think.
26FP + SiP (each side)1 min FP; 45 sec SiPKeep your body aligned and push through.
27All variations1 min eachYour resilience is your power.
28RestPrepare mentally for the final push.
29SP Hold ChallengeMax timeAim for as long as possible; breathe through it.
30SP Hold5 minutesYou’ve made it! Celebrate your incredible achievement.

Real Plank Challenge Results Revealed – Expect the Unexpected 

One of the first surprises to emerge from the challenge was the powerful boost in mental strength you should gain. Participants reported a newfound resilience, a mental fortitude forged in the fires of holding a plank past previous thresholds. Sarah, a participant, shared:

  • “It wasn’t just my body that learned to endure; my mind did, too. Holding a plank for those extra seconds was a battle fought not just on the mat but in the mind.”

Participants noted improvements in their overall health with even just a 1-minute plank a day beyond sculpted abs and strengthened cores. Improved posture, reduced back pain, and enhanced flexibility were celebrated. Mark, who joined the challenge hoping to tone his midsection, found an unexpected relief from chronic back issues, stating:

  • “I joined for the abs but stayed for the unexpected cure to my backache.”

Also, read – Transformative Yoga Challenge: Find Your Inner Zen

Proceed with Caution: What are the Dangers of Planking Exercise? 

One of the most common risks is lower back pain or injury. Improper form, such as sagging hips or arching the back, can put undue stress on the lumbar region, potentially leading to strain or more serious back issues over time.

Another risk involves shoulder and arm injuries. The plank position places influential pressure on the arms and shoulders, resulting in strains, sprains, or even nerve compression without adequate strength or correct alignment.

Proven Tips for Best Before and After the Plank Challenge – Seeing Is Believing!

Keep these plank tips near for safety and effectiveness:

  • To improve blood flow to your muscles, use movements like arm circles, leg swings, and mild torso twists to improve blood flow to your muscles. 
  • Before starting the challenge, practice your plank form before a mirror or record yourself to check your alignment.
  • Start with shorter durations and gradually increase your time in the plank position as your strength improves.
  • If you experience pain, cease right once, evaluate your form, or speak with a fitness expert.
  • Drink water before, during, and after your plank challenge to keep your muscles hydrated and functional.
  • Incorporate gentle stretching, foam rolling, and adequate rest days after completing your plank challenge to facilitate recovery.

Also, read – 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge You Need!

What Happens When You Do Planks Every Day? The Daily Difference

Overall, it’s clear that daily plank exercises in your routine can have a multitude of positive effects on your physical and mental well-being. 

30 Day Plank Challenge

This graph illustrates the ideal outcomes for each metric, i.e., core strength, endurance, posture, flexibility, and mood (weight loss) at a 30-day interval. 

Stick with it and trust in the process. Who knows, you may even surprise yourself with how far you can progress! So, the next time someone asks what happens when you do a plank daily, you can confidently answer that it will make a massive difference in your life. 

Start today and reap the rewards tomorrow – your body will thank you! 

Chris Churan
Certified Exercise Physiologist

Chris is a certified exercise physiologist with over 13 years of experience in fitness and wellness. With a Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness, Chris has been a educating the public as a writer, editor, and trainer. He is passionate about creating evidence-based content in an engaging way to make learning fun.