For a lot of women, going to the gym can be overwhelming. We don’t blame them, as with all the complex equipment and the pressure to keep up with others, it’s no surprise that some might hesitate to dive into that environment. But what if you could change your body and improve your fitness without ever setting foot in a gym?? Don’t look any further!

Calisthenics is a great way to work out because it uses your own body weight to make you stronger. It has been shown that calisthenics can be as effective as pulling weights and resistance training in building muscle and power. But what are these workouts, and how can you add them to your routine?

Let’s prepare for a free calisthenics workout plan included in the article to help you reach your full potential! 

Table Of Contents

What is a Full Body Calisthenics Workout? 

A full-body calisthenics workout is a powerful exercise that uses your body weight and some of the gravity to work on multiple muscle groups without needing any special gear. It’s an effective way to build strength and endurance while improving flexibility and balance. 

Having a calisthenic routine has been proven in lots of different aspects to be effective, such as:  

How to Start a  28-day Calisthenics Workout Plan? 

It is essential to have a plan if you want to start a calisthenics program. Start by exercising thrice a week to work out your whole body. Begin with a short physical warmup to get your heart rate up. Then, do two push moves, two pull moves, two leg moves, and two core moves. End with a short cooldown.  

The best part is that you may follow this plan for the rest of your life, modifying the intensity as you go or when your needs alter. It means calisthenics will help you move freely and painlessly while building strength and stamina, even if you are busy with a hectic lifestyle.  

A Complete 28 day Calisthenics Workout Plan 

For the next 28 days, you will stick to an organized plan that gets tougher over time and challenges you. We have divided these exercises on a weekly basis, and each week, we will focus on a different aspect of fitness, starting with fundamentals and progressing to more complex exercises. 

More importantly, the 28-day calisthenics workout challenge works for people of all ages and fitness levels. This guide covers a full seven-day plan that you will do every day for four weeks or 28 days. 

Week 1: Basic Movements for Your Calisthenics Home Workout

We will devote the first week of this free 28-day calisthenics workout plan to learning the basics for building a solid foundation. So, this week is all about getting comfortable with your body and establishing a rhythm. 

You can start with these basic exercises:

1. Jumping Jacks

1 minute

It’s a fun way to begin a calisthenic challenge. To do this easy exercise, jump while your legs are spread out and your hands clap above your head. Then, come back to a standing position.

2. Hollow Body Hold 

2 sets x 10-15 seconds

This exercise will engage and strengthen your core, arms, and legs. 

To do it, lie on your back and lift your arms and legs off the ground while pressing your lower back into the floor. Hold the position, engaging your core.

3. Bodyweight Squats

3 sets x  10 reps

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Push your hips back and lower as if sitting in a chair, keeping your chest up. This exercise targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

4. Planks

2 sets x 10-12 seconds

Hold a plank position with your forearms on the ground. Engage your core and keep your body in a straight line. Start with shorter holds and gradually increase as you build strength.

5. Lunges

3 sets x 5 reps per leg

This exercise is great for improving balance and coordination. To do it, step forward into a lunge while keeping your front knee over your ankle. 

Also, read – Intermittent Fasting for Women: A Full Guide

Week 2: Build Strength and Endurance for Full Body Calisthenics Workout 

Now that you have mastered the fundamentals, we will shift to enhancing your strength and endurance with more intense exercises in this calisthenics 28 day challenge. It means this week is all about aiming to push harder!

1.  Wall Push-Ups

3 sets x 8-10 reps

Stand facing a wall about an arm’s length away. Put your hands on the wall about shoulder-width apart and at shoulder height.  Lower your body towards the wall by bending your elbows, keeping your body straight. Take a step back to where you started. 

2. Hollow Body Hold 

2 sets x 15-20 seconds 

Increase the hold time to 15-20 seconds. Focus on maintaining form and core engagement.

3. Jump Squats

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Perform a squat and explode upward into a jump. Land softly to protect your joints. This exercise adds a cardio element and targets your lower body.

4. Burpees

3 sets x 5-8 reps

From standing, drop into a plank, perform a push-up, jump back to your feet, and leap up. Burpees are excellent for building full-body strength and endurance.

5. Side Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps per side

Step to the side into a lunge while keeping the other leg straight. This exercise targets the inner thighs and improves lateral movement.

Week 3: Increasing Intensity 

The third week of the 28 day calisthenics challenge free choice will focus on increasing the intensity and use of more dynamic movements that challenge your strength and coordination. These exercises include. 

1. Push-ups

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Now start with classic push-ups on the floor. If you can’t do it, you can modify them by doing them on your knees. Focus on controlled movements to build strength.

2. Tricep Dips

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Use a chair or bench to lower and raise your body, focusing on your triceps. Keep your elbows close to your body for maximum effectiveness.

3. Broad Jumps

3 sets x 5-8 reps

Jump forward as far as you can, landing softly and maintaining balance. This exercise improves explosive power and engages your legs.

4. Side Lunges

3 sets x 10 reps per side

Increase the intensity to 10-15 reps per side of the leg to make it more engaging. 

5 Russian Twists

3 sets x 10-12 reps per side

Sit on the ground, lean back slightly, and twist your torso from side to side. This exercise targets your obliques and improves core strength.

Week 4: Full Calisthenics Body Transformation

Finally, you have made it to the final week of this challenge. Now, let’s put all the puzzle pieces together and make a full-body calisthenics transformation workout. 

1. Incline Push-Ups

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Perform push-ups with your hands on an elevated surface (like a bench). This variation reduces the load on your arms and allows you to focus on form.

2. Jumping Lunges

3 sets x 8-10 reps per leg

Switch legs in a lunge while jumping, focusing on control and stability. This exercise adds intensity and works your lower body and coordination.

3. Plank to Side Plank

3 sets x 3-5  reps per side

Move from a plank position to a side plank, alternating sides. This challenges your core stability and builds strength in your obliques.

4. Jump Squats

3 sets x 15-20  reps

Perform a squat and move upward into a jump. Land softly to protect your joints. This exercise adds a cardio element and targets your lower body.

5. V-Ups

3 sets x 10-12 reps

Lie flat and lift your legs and upper body simultaneously, reaching towards your toes. This targets your core and improves overall body strength.

Here is a simple table summarising how to perform exercises each week for better results during 28 days calisthenics challenge. 

Workout TypeDetails
Day 1Full Body WorkoutFocus on strength and endurance
Day 2Active RestEngage in walking for 20 minYoga and relaxation
Day 3Full Body WorkoutFocus on strength and endurance
Day 4Active RestEngage in walking for 20 minYoga and relaxation
Day 5Full Body WorkoutFocus on strength and endurance
Day 6Rest or Light ActivityEngage in slow walking or recreational activities. 
Day 7 Rest or Light ActivityRecreational activities 

As your strength and endurance improve, work on your form weekly and slowly add more reps or time to your workouts. Always listen to your body and make necessary changes to ensure a safe and effective workout.

What Calisthenics Results Can You Expect? 

Wondering what this free special 28-day calisthenics workout gives you? If you do it consistently, calisthenics can deliver remarkable results. 

  • Strength gains

Increased overall strength, especially in the core, arms, and legs.

  • Muscle development

Enhanced muscle mass and definition in key areas.

  • Improved flexibility

Greater range of motion and reduced injury risk.

  • Increased endurance

Better cardiovascular fitness for prolonged activities.

  • Enhanced coordination

Improved body control and balance.

  • Pain reduction

Chronic aches are reduced through better posture and mobility.

28-Day At Home Calisthenics Workout: Ways to Track Your Progress 

Lasta Fit release

Tracking progress on what you’re doing is essential for motivation and seeing how much you have gained in strength. To help with the tracking process, here are some of the easiest ways to measure your progress during the home calisthenics workout plan.  

1. Keep a Journal 

Keeping a journal can be great as it provides weekly insights about your workout routine. 

Try journaling about writing down the exercises, sets, reps, and durations. Add notes like how you felt during the workout. Take progress pictures every week to see how your body changes.

2. Use Fitness Apps 

The free 28 day calisthenics challenge is a great time to utilize a fitness app, and Lasta is the best option. The app’s easy layout and in-app notifications make it simple to keep to your exercise and meal planning. Lasta also has excellent community support, which will keep you motivated and accountable through the challenge. It’s like having a personal coach right in your hands!

3. Measure Your Body 

Body measurements can reveal important information about your composition changes, especially if you are following a workout plan. If you measure your waist, hips, chest, arms, and legs, you can surely get a clearer picture of your progress over time. This approach helps you see changes beyond just weight, such as losing inches from your waist or gaining muscle.

4. Use a Fitness Watch 

It is no surprise that everyone chooses to wear a fitness tracker, be it an Apple Watch, Fitbit, or another brand. And using a fitness tracker is a great idea for the 28 day calisthenics workout challenge, as it monitors your heart rate, activity, and calories burned.  Not only this, these gadgets are helpful to keep you motivated and on track to hit your exercise goals.

Best Free Calisthenics App: Lasta is Right Choice!

If you need an outstanding app to help with your calisthenics challenge, then Lasta is your answer. The app is perfect for people of all fitness levels since it provides various well-focused and organized exercise programs. With the many bodyweight exercises available, you’ll find other useful exercises designed to increase your range of motion and general strength and fitness. And those who are looking for low-impact exercises, Lasta also has bed and chair Pilates and yoga options. 

The best part? The app tailors a plan to fit your individual goals, so it’s easy to find a workout that fits your schedule, whether you’re just starting out or want to push yourself further. Since new workouts are added all the time, you’ll always have something new to keep you inspired on your fitness journey. Get Lasta right now and start changing the way you work out! 

Summing it Up

Well done for choosing to accept the 28-Day calisthenics challenge! This is, definitely, an exciting step that will kickstart a lifelong journey towards better health and fitness. 

But do remember that the goal here needs to be more than ticking a bunch of days on a calendar. It must be about shifting your mind, pushing your boundaries, and discovering challenges for a healthier you! ,

If you are still thinking of transforming yourself for the better, wait no further and start your journey of a 28-day calisthenics challenge! This is the best way to exercise at home, as it will not only make you stronger but also boost your confidence and health. 

Also, read – 12 Hour Fast: Your Simple Path to Better Self-Being


1. What Is the Best App for Calisthenics Workouts?

The best app for calisthenics workouts is Lasta. This app has many workout routines with clear instructions that help you build muscle and improve your fitness. Plus, its easy-to-use design makes it simple and exciting to keep track of your progress. 

2. How Long Should a Calisthenics Workout Be?

A single calisthenics session should range between 30 minutes and an hour, inclusive of the warm-up and cool dwon stretches. Like with any other type of training, time spent on it exceeding one hour can diminish the benefits. On the other hand, if the workout is too short, you may not work hard enough to achieve desired results. 

3. Is Calisthenics for Seniors a Good Workout Option?

Yes! Calisthenics is a great way for seniors to get in shape because it includes low-impact exercises that can improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Anyone can do it, no matter how fit they are, and it’s a safe and healthy way to stay active as you age.

4. What Is the Best Diet for Calisthenics Workout?

In the case of calisthenics workouts, it is vital to have proper nutrition to get rid of the wrong food to meet the body’s requirements. Therefore, it’s wise that you focus on taking foods with lean protein such as chicken, eggs, avocado, and quinoa best foods for dinner since they contain quality fats and complex carbs. One more tip? Try meal planning! Argues for adhering to the directives and sundries spot on and supports attaining a sumptuous diet and weight loss goals.

5. What Should Be Included in a 45 Minute Calisthenics Workout?

If you opt for a 45-minute calisthenics session, it is recommended to do a variety of movements that train different muscle groups. You can begin with 5-10 minutes of warm-up, then add push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and dips into your routine. Finish it with 5-10 minutes to cool down to improve flexibility. 

Lilly Jackson

Lilly Jackson is the Fitness coach & Rehabilitator. She is helping women everywhere unlock their full potential in health and fitness! With a Masters's in Medicine and a passion for writing, her calling is to share knowledge with the world.