Fast eating has been around for centuries but has become famous in recent years as a method of controlling health and eating routines. Some cultures practice regular fasting, and studies show it improves the overall health of the individuals following the fasting regimen.

Although this article will be mainly devoted to fasting meal planning, and more specifically 7 day intermittent fasting meal plan, it can provide educational insight and inspiration for anyone. You do not have to aim for weight loss to follow any intermittent fasting schedule, and its greatest benefit is that almost everyone notices improvements in their health thanks to regulated eating patterns.

Let us explain some basics to those who might not be familiar with the details of intermittent fasting, and then discuss the philosophy behind meal planning and the 16/8 schedule in particular.

Table Of Contents

Who is Intermittent Fasting For?

Thanks to many studies, now it is clear that intermittent fasting is still one of the successful strategies for weight loss, health condition regulation, and even enhancement of mood and energy in the human body. The benefits of the method are well-known and documented, so it is growing in popularity among both men and women of all ages and from all backgrounds.

Of course, if you have chronic illnesses requiring intermittent fasting meal plans and a nutrition approach, it is best to consult your doctor or a nutritionist before deciding on any change in your eating habits. It is also not recommended for pregnant women, as they should not restrict their food intake without medical supervision to not endanger the child.

Other than that, you can likely choose intermittent fasting over traditional diets – in fact, the lack of calorie restriction in intermittent fasting is one of the reasons why many people find it easier to stick to. Since you do not have to count every bite, it gives you more freedom and flexibility, which is why many choose IF over traditional dietary approaches.

The appeal of intermittent fasting lies in its simplicity – there are no specific rules on what you can or can not eat, no calorie counts or food group restrictions that you need to remember, and no need to track every single latte you drink. This is why when looking for intermittent fasting menu ideas, you will find inspiration but not necessarily strict guidelines.

The key to success with IF is to stick to your eating window, and a specific meal plan is not there to replace that. It is simply a tool to help you make better choices and stay on track, not a rigorous dietary regimen.

If you find a 7-day meal plan that you particularly like and would like to introduce to your routine, feel free to do so. As long as you keep eating within your established time window, you can customize every meal to your liking. The recipe calls for whole milk, but you would prefer skimmed? No problem. Not a fan of kale? Switch it for spinach. With a 7-day intermittent fasting for weight loss plan, it is very easy.

How do Weekly Intermittent Fasting Meal Plans Work?

The idea behind weekly meal plans is to provide you with a basic list of meals that you will be eating during a 7-day intermittent fasting period. It can start whenever you want, and most meal plans available online allow for switching the recipes between days to better fit your preferences.

Additionally, weekly meal plans offer an idea of what groceries you need to buy to cook for the whole week. Sometimes the dishes are meant to be made in advance, but you can also prepare them on the day you are supposed to eat them.

There is no reason to feel restricted – if you do not like one of the dishes, feel free to repeat a meal from a previous day or substitute some ingredients to make it more appealing to you. Enjoying your food is as important to your overall well-being as eating healthy!

Read also – No Excuses Allowed: 75 Hard Challenge Diet Plan

Benefits of Following a 7 Day Intermittent Fasting

Did you know that, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, sticking to a set meal plan is highly advantageous? Let’s take a look at the advantages that the experts point out:

  • Planning a meal lowers the chance of impulse eating and choosing a fast-food option.
  • Setting up a menu for a whole week makes shopping in advance easier (and often cheaper!).
  • You can choose the ingredients that suit your preferences and budget.
  • Sticking to a meal plan can help with weight loss, as it allows for better control over what you eat.
  • Cooking in advance, as certain studies show, can save you valuable time to spend on other activities during the week.
  • Learning the dietary recommendations for your specific lifestyle and intermittent fasting schedule expands your knowledge about healthy choices.

There is much more to be said about the benefits of planning your meals ahead of time, and it would require a lengthy discussion to cover all of them. We encourage you to keep exploring the topic and learn how to make better, informed decisions in relation to your diet and health.

Where Can I Find 7-Day Meal Plan for Fasting?

While the Internet is full of intermittent fasting meal plans, recipe ideas, and cooking videos, not everything is necessarily good for your health. Current social media trends present a worrying focus on unhealthy eating patterns and quick fixes, so it’s important to only trust reliable websites and apps.

Verified and credible sources are extremely important when seeking meal ideas for intermittent fasting to ensure that your body gets the nourishment it needs to function properly. Otherwise, whatever diet you follow will not be sustainable in the long run.

Fortunately, we are here for you! We have compiled a 7-day intermittent fasting meal plan for weight loss that can be adjusted to your liking and is designed to be healthy and easy to follow. No exotic and hard-to-find ingredients are required, just simple meals to savor.

Free 7-day Meal Plan for Intermittent Fasting

Not everyone can or wants to pay for a specific meal plan, so finding one that costs you nothing is truly a blessing. We understand that, and that is why we have created this free 7-day meal plan for intermittent fasting. Making it accessible to people worldwide has been our goal here, so our intermittent fasting recipes included are budget-friendly and use common ingredients that you can easily find in a grocery store.

Meal Plan for Intermittent Fasting 16/8 โ€“ Schedule Frames

Seeing as there are many different time frames for intermittent fasting, you may wonder whether there are specific meals or ingredients you should follow when using the 16/8 schedule. The answer is no. There is no reason for you to stick to any specific dietary plan except for what works best for you and what is healthy for your body.

As we have said before and will always emphasize, the key to success with intermittent fasting is not with what you eat, but when you eat. As long as you stick to your IF plan, even an occasional burger should not derail your progress and cause you to feel guilty. Such 7 day intermittent fasting for weight loss meal plan can work for you here. Try to be consistent, and you will be on track to better health.

That being said, let’s move to the actual meal plan. Remember that this is just a base, and you can modify and switch the dishes to your liking as long as you stick to your 16/8 IF schedule.

Intermittent Fasting Menu Ideas

DAY 1:

  • First meal: An open-faced rye bread sandwich with sliced tomato, half an avocado, and a few leafy green leaves.
  • Second meal: Small grilled chicken breast, a vegetable salad with light dressing, brown rice, or bulgur.
  • Third meal: 2 hard-boiled eggs and a few whole-grain crackers, with an optional spoon of peanut butter.

DAY 2:

  • First meal: Carrot or eggplant hummus, whole wheat or rye bread, and a small apple.
  • Second meal: Red lentil soup, a small handful of sunflower seeds, and leafy green salad without dressing.
  • Third meal: Baked white fish with steamed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, green beans).

DAY 3:

  • First meal: Overnight oats in semi-skimmed or oat milk, topped with mixed berries.
  • Second meal: Beef stir-fry with bell pepper and snow peas or green beans, with a teaspoon of soy sauce.
  • Third meal: Leafy green salad with tuna or tofu.

DAY 4:

  • First meal: Carrot sticks with veggie hummus, rice cakes, or crackers.
  • Second meal: Grilled shrimp or fish with a side of spinach and tomato salad.
  • Third meal: Fruit salad (avoid bananas, as these are high in sugar) with a small handful of nuts.

DAY 5:

  • First meal: Green smoothie with a bit of almond or peanut butter.
  • Second meal: Grilled chicken or turkey breast with herbs, brown rice, and cucumber salad.
  • Third meal: Roasted sweet potato and broccoli.

DAY 6:

  • First meal: 2-egg omelet with green onions and bell pepper, a slice of rye bread.
  • Second meal: Carrot ginger soup with a side of whole grain crackers.
  • Third meal: Steamed salmon with mixed steamed or grilled veggies.

DAY 7:

  • First meal: Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, a handful of berries.
  • Second meal: Quinoa salad with black beans, corn, and avocado.
  • Third meal: Tomato soup without cream and whole wheat croutons.

As for snacks for 7-day meal plan, choose the healthy options: no chocolate bars or salty pretzels. Think fruits, veggie sticks, rice cakes, and low-fat yogurt. Air-fried popcorn and unsalted nuts are also great choices for a good, crunchy snack.

The time between meals can be slightly adjusted to fit your lifestyle – we understand that work and other commitments affect your free time. Just remember to squeeze the 16-hour fasting window into your day. Remember to drink a lot of water. You can also drink unsweetened tea, herbal tea, black coffee, or other non-caloric beverages throughout the day.

Also, read – Into to Low Carb Diet With Intermittent Fasting

16/8 Intermittent Fasting 7 Day Meal Plan Free Recipe Ideas

As we have already established, the timing of your meals is crucial, so make sure you stick to your 16/8 eating-fasting pattern. This is the most important aspect of IF meal plans, so be sure to prioritize this. To make things easier for you, we have some extra intermittent fasting meal ideas for easy meals you can cook and include in your 7-day diet plan.

  • Cauliflower steak with brown rice.
  • Vegan lentil burgers.
  • Baked sweet potato fries with side of salad.
  • Scrambled eggs with ham.
  • Roasted carrots with herbs.
  • Mushroom soup.
  • Romaine salad with red onion and bell pepper.
  • Chicken and quinoa bowl.
  • Chickpea salad.

Technically, almost every dish can be adapted to fit a healthier intermittent fasting meal plan by adjusting the ingredients. Be mindful to avoid corn syrup, foods with added salt, refined carbohydrates, white bread, and sugary cereal.

7 Day Intermittent Fasting Results 1 Week: Try True Changes

Can one week of following a set meal plan and intermittent fasting time frames produce noticeable results? Yes, it can! The IF method has been shown to be effective just after a few days of consistent implementation. What are the 7 day intermittent fasting diet plan benefits when you use a meal plan? Let’s take a look:

  • Your insulin levels will drop, resulting in improved insulin sensitivity and lower overall blood sugar levels.
  • Your body will start the cellular repair processes, increasing the longevity of your cells.
  • More calories will be burned than consumed, leading to possible weight loss.
  • Inflammation in the body will be reduced thanks to the decrease of oxidative stress.
  • As your body enters the state of ketosis during the fasting window, it may begin to use stored fat as fuel, which could boost your energy levels.

Some of the other benefits are improved mental clarity, reduced feelings of brain fog, and a boost in mood. Following a fasting schedule for a week also helps you set your mind and body on a healthier path, thus making it easier for you to keep going for another week and then gradually incorporate fasting into your everyday life.

Do you have questions or are interested in learning more about fasting in general? In that case, we recommend reading our other resources and exploring intermittent fasting apps to see how easy it can be to incorporate them into your everyday life!


1. Can I Choose My Own 8-Hour Eating Window?

Yes โ€“ the starting and ending hours of your fasting period are flexible and can be adjusted to fit your lifestyle. Want to eat the first meal of the day very early? No problem. Prefer to have dinner after 8? That is completely fine, too. Just stick to the 16 hours of fasting, and you will be on the right track to your desired results.

2. Can Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Improve Metabolic Health?

Yes, it can! Studies show intermittent fasting can improve metabolic health by increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin and reducing inflammation. A longer fasting period also helps your cells to repair themselves faster. 

3. 7 Day Meal Plan For Intermittent Fasting: Is There a Way to Make It Easier?

If you have chosen that time frame for your plan and find it too difficult to adhere to, we recommend starting with a shorter fasting window. If you have never tried intermittent fasting before, you can try the 10/14 or 12/12 schedules first to get used to the concept before moving on to gradually longer fasting periods. Tracking your progress with a fasting app like Lasta can make it easier for you.

4. What to Know About 16 8 Intermittent Fasting 7 Day Meal Plan Results?

We can say with full confidence that your life may be made easier with a set meal plan and fasting schedule. Staying on track and controlling your eating habits will not be a challenge anymore, and your body will thank you for the effort.

Barbara Kovalenko

My name is Barbara Kovalenko. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition from Bogomolets National Medical University in Ukraine and a Master's degree from Boston University in the United States. Over the past few years, I have gained valuable experience as a nutritionist and have since decided to share my knowledge and expertise with a wider audience. Currently, I am working as a nutritional consultant with the Lasta app.